#2- NK and China

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(North Korea's POV)

Oops. I hung up too early. That's okay. at least I picked up when I saw it was America. Ugh, that little egotistical brat. Welp, all is well that ends well.

Oh, China. Poor China. He got damaged really badly. He's so cute when he's asleep, though. That soft expression...

I watch him sleep, taking care of him anytime I notice his bandages need changing, or he asks for water. Oh look, he's waking up.

"NK?" he asks.


"Can I have some pain medication?"

"Of course, China." I get up from the chair and get some Aspirin and a water bottle.

"Thank you..." He takes the Aspirin. "How are you doing, NK?"

"I'm doing fine."

After a moment, he says, "You must be an angel. Why are you taking care of me?"

I laugh a little. "I'm not an angel. I just love you!"

"I love you too, NK."

(China's POV, as he woke up)

I wake up from my nap. Oh God, my head and back hurt. "NK?" I ask for North Korea.


"Can I have pain medication?"

"Of course, China." 

I watch her as she leaves the room. I groan in pain, but look at her beautiful face, her eyes. I smile faintly, glad she's here to care for me. I love her so much. The angel she is... "Thank you..." I take the Aspirin. "How are you doing, NK?"

"I'm doing fine."

I stare at her for a moment, "You must be an angel. Why are you taking care of me?"

She laughs, a jingle I haven't heard in so long. "I'm not an angel. I just love you." Yep, definitely an angel. My fiancé is an angel.

"I love you too, NK."

Author Note
Sup. Part 2! Yes, North Korea is a girl, and her and China are engaged, but they haven't told folks yet.

Sorry it's so short. like only 300 words D:

I have a question.
Would y'all rather the parts be short, and have a lot, or should I combine them to make it longer?



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