#4- Ame and Japan

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(America's POV) (very minor TW of gore)

I wake up at the sound of the front door. Who could that be?... I wonder. I sit up a little bit and gently rub the sleep from my eyes.

A few minutes later, I hear footsteps on the stairs and a quiet knock at my door. "Come in."
Canada opens the door. "Oh, you're awake! Maman said you were asleep," he says.

"I just woke up. How was the date with Ukraine?"

"IT WAS NOT A DATE!!" he says, very defensive.

"Yeah, right. Anyway, did you ask her about Russia and why he hasn't said a word to anyone since toward the beginning of the Kaiju attacks?" I ask.

"Oh, um... so... apparently, his arm is pretty much just a bone now. And he is refusing to go to the hospital, which is understandable because of what happened to Belarus. Uki said that he is in a lot of pain, and probably isn't thinking very straight right now," he responds as I just stare at him, speechless.

"His arm is WHAT?"


I accidentally interrupted him, "Why hasn't he said anything?" That stupid freaking idiotic Russian! "And he didn't go to the hospital?"

"No, he didn't. You do know what happened to Belarus, right?"

"Yes, I do. But still! His arm is dissolved? He needs to go to the hospital!"

Canada sighs. "Uki said that he just won't. He possibly isn't in his right mind as well."

"Like he's ever," I mumble to myself.

"What did you say?" he asks.

"Nothing." I sigh, and lean back on my headrest.

"Alright. How are you feeling now?" Nada asks, changing the subject.

"A little better."

"Good. Maman is taking good care of you?"

"Of course."


I can tell that we're running out of things to say.

"Well, get some rest," Nada tells me. I nod, and he leaves the room.

Hm... maybe I should call Russia. I get my phone off the nightstand and look for his contact, then call him. After a minute, it goes to voicemail. I sigh and then roll over to scroll through social media.

(time skip)

I wake up with my ringtone. "Who's calling me..." I see Japan and accept the call. "Hey, Japan."

"Hiiiiii! How're you doing?" she asks, always her hyper self.

"Fine. What about you?"

"Good! Did Maple ask Ukraine out yet?" Maple is Canada's nickname, just for Japan.

"Nope," I respond.

"Dammit. Why!"

"I don't know! He's too shy to I guess..."

"Ugh..." She sighs. "Welp, I just wanted to know that. I have to go make dinner now."

"Oh, okay. Bye, Japan!"

"See ya later!"

(Japan's POV)

I hang up and set the phone down. "Wow. Maple REALLY hasn't asked Uki out yet... Damn." They are definitely perfect for each other. I mean, they're SOULMATES! As always, with soulmates, especially the countryhumans, they somewhat feel the other's emotions or physical senses. Especially pain, sadly. But not to the extent of the one who was originally hurt.

Like China and North Korea. One time, South Korea, North Korea's brother, punched her arm playfully. Me and China were chatting, and he rubbed his arm. Clearly, they're soulmates. And now they're engaged!

I noticed similar things happening with Maple and Uki. COME ON! ASK THE LADY OUT!


I'm pretty sure Ame and Russia are soulmates as well, because one time, Russia called in that he wouldn't come to the meeting because he had a migraine. Then, when America got there, he had a headache. I mean, it could be a coincidence, but who knows. We'll find out eventually!

Russia pretty much just went off the grid since toward the beginning  of the Kaiju attacks. I don't know how he's doing though. Did he get attacked? Is he okay? Is he just being anti-social again? I should call him. Well... I don't know. That might not be a good idea. Maybe I should call Uki. 

Oh. I really do need to make dinner. 

I'll call her later...

Author Note

Sup. Chapter 4. Yes. Countryhumans who are soulmates feel the other's pain. Connect the dots.


Japan is the anime god of shipping


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