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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝔂 𝓼𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓷, 𝓰𝓻𝓲𝓵𝓵, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓻.

Waylon was pissed. He left the hospital so Alexis could rest since he knew she was still pretty tired and banged up from the accident. He went to their favorite dinner to get lunch since he was hungry, but he sat in unusual silence as he ate and with that, his mind filled the void with questions.

How did the saddle get loose?

How did the bit come undone?

Why did Alexis lose control of Chick who knew barrel patterns and most likely wouldn't have made the barrel turn over?

So many questions, and so few questions. But he came to a conclusion he could justify. Someone had to have messed with the Tac, and he bet he knew who it was.

He finished eating, paid his tab, started his truck putting himself on the road driving due North to Fowler Ranch where he knew he'd find Cheyenne Fowler who was always second to Alexis. Even though she'd never say it, she hated being second to Alexis but she still loved Alexis since she was so sweet, like a golden retriever puppy. Her brother on the other hand, Presley who despised Alexis, he thought she was condescending and meant bad towards his sister. He would've done something like this.

He got angry gripping the wheel as he drove slightly faster fueled with rage. How could he do that? How could anyone for that fact hurt Alexis? Why? She was the kindest person anyone knew. How could he do something that could possibly kill Alexis?

He pulled onto the dirt road, rocks flew up hitting the truck with little dings every time a pebble hit a spot. The red dirt flew up as well but he finally slowed down reaching the wooden post showing he had made it to Fowler's.

When he pulled in front of the house Presley was already out bringing fresh hay to the ranch's horses and the cows so they wouldn't be hungry through the drought that the valley was going through at the moment. Waylon got out of his truck slamming the door without a flinch or batting an eye. Walking up to Presley before punching him across the face without a word.

Presley's hand flew up to his face after he was punched as he staggered back, a look of disbelief on his face, "The hell are you doing Waylon?!" He practically shouted.

"You know exactly what the hell You did Presley," Waylon scoffed starting his way over to Presley sizing him up as her did.

"This is because that little bitch fell off her horse? Ain' it," Presley scoffed rolling his eyes before he continued, "I didn't do nuthin' to the little sleeze, nothing that wouldn't have been done anyways"

That set Waylon off this time so he punched Presley again, but harder this time, "She tore a ligament, broker 'er arm, and has a concussion--now I know you're the only one that would have the balls to hurt Alexis like that"

Presley took an audible pause. He looked shocked but he still wasn't going to admit to his own wrong doings. He pulled his pocket knife out of his jeans and aimed for waylons throat going to cut, but he missed cutting his shoulder instead.

By the time the two were done with their rumble, both were bleeding but Presley was on the ground slowly slipping away from consciousness. Waylon took a few breaths to catch up with his breathing before he knocked on the door waiting for Cheynne to answer.

When she finally did she gave him a confused smile, "Waylon? What're you doin' here?"

Waylon let out a small grunt without saying anything before he finally said anything, "Your brothers messed up pretty bad. Might wanna get 'em a doctor before he's not just hurt."

Cheyenne's face dropped, she looked past Waylon to her brother letting out a small gasp while Waylon just walked back to his truck pulling out of the driveway. He knew he was gonna get in trouble so he went to Alexis to see her one more time before he would probably be collared by the law.

And that's exactly what he did. He didn't resist when the officers came into Alexis's hospital room to collect Waylon. He stayed beside her for the ten minutes that he got to before the law came. He was content with just that.

(Word count 741)

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