Chapter 10

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"I swear to God, if you don't let mom know next time when you feel sick or whatsoever-"

"Oh god, Stella, yes, I get it. Now go to school!" Dad yells at me jokingly and laughs. I grin at him, get up from the dining table and get in my car for school. I've been lecturing dad on what to do and what not to since he has returned from the hospital. I've probably threatened him 10 times already now about how he should not be ignorant about his health at any cost.

Speaking of hospital, Edward, my brother dearest, has been giving me a "cold" shoulder since that inci-

Oh god but seriously Jacob was so-

Ok what the fuck, Stella?

I shove that not-so-beautiful thought at the back of my pure innocent mind.


As I was saying, he's been talking to me, yes, but like... there's a vibe change. If you know, you know. Oh my god, is Ed becoming my over-protective brother like in the books? OH MY- nope. I don't even have a boyfriend-

OHH JACOB- shut up, Stella.

In no time, I'm in front of Rae's home. We take turns everyday picking up each other so yes. I send her a quick text to hurry up and hop in. In a few seconds, she gets in my car. "Hey Stell, How's it going? Today's daily lecture done?"

Yesterday, this woman heard me lecturing my father on his do's and don'ts like a "bossy queen" in her words. She's been asking about it since literally every time we speak with each other. I roll my eyes and chuckle. Then after a minute maybe, Raelynn coughs dramatically. I narrow my eyes at her.

"So... I was just wondering.... How's your essay on Oscar Wilde?" Rae says that in a suspiciously weird tone. I raise my eyebrows at her. "Yea? I mean that's due today anyway so..." I ramble as I drive the car. I look at her glancing here and there until her eyes land on me.

Oh my god.

I smirk playfully. "Oooh, what happened, huh? At Anderson's house, hmm?" she starts coughing and I laugh hysterically. Good thing the street is pretty much empty. Or I'd be on my way to meet God because of this girl. "I swear to God, don't start shipping me with him of all people," she mumbles with a scrunched nose and a frown. Then she rants about everything that happened at Anderson's home.

I almost send us flying out of the car by pushing the brake when she says Aiden almost kissed her.

"RAELYNN DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh. My. God." I cool myself down with my hands as I almost scream at her. "At least it didn't happen for real... but... yes" Raelynn utters the word with no hesitation.

I stare at her, my jaw practically on the ground. And is that- oh my god is she's blushing? I gasp. "You're looking like you overdosed on- I don't even know, eating roses?! Oh my god who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" I yell at her and she covers her cheeks and ears with her palms.

"Newsflash: Raelynn Skylar, the all time grumpy member of female species is in love with her nemesis."

"What are you talking about?!" she cries back. "My, my, Raelynn. Stay safe, don't

He chuckles, and the tension between us momentarily dissolves. "Maybe you just need to listen more closely."

Raelynn shoots me a knowing look, and I suppress a smile. A smile, oh god.

The crowd lingers, anticipation in the air as Jacob addresses us. "Well um damn, ya'll still here, I thought everyone will be on their way to the class after a few minutes. Then I guess I'll sing one last song, and... this one's for someone special." My heart races unknowingly, and I exchange a puzzled glance with Raelynn. She squints her eyes and grins. Everyone erupts into curious whispers and oohs.

Jacob catches my eye, smirking as he notices my flushed cheeks. Raelynn elbows me playfully. "Hmm, looks like someone's got a secret admirer, huh?" she teases, and I roll my eyes.

As the first notes of the song fill the air, my thoughts spiral into a whirlwind. The lyrics resonate, and I can't help but wonder if the dedication is meant for me. Raelynn nudges me again, this time with a mischievous grin and blurts out. "Aw sweetheart, he's for sure singing for you! Gosh, who knew Jacob Grayson was head over heels for someone? The hells must have frozen over."

I scoff, trying to mask the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. "Don't be ridiculous."

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Aiden shares a glance with her. "Someone's being eyed, I think?" I mutter receiving a glare. They exchange a few glances, a deadly silent conversation amidst the music.

Amid the song, I can't resist teasing Raelynn. "Look,
Aiden's glancing at you. Maybe he's your secret admirer."

Raelynn shoots me a playful glare. "As if!" But then smiles evilly. And coughs. "Well, then let's make a bet. I bet that Anderson is NOT in love with me," I scoff at the proposal. "Bet."

And once again, I find myself melting on spot because of his voice. His voice carries the weight of sincerity drawing everyone. I can confirm he is, in no way, sincere.

I find myself lost in wild thoughts, questioning the unexpected connection between us. What if's. Fuck our rivalry, let me just enjoy this moment, then I'll be despising him all over again.

As Jacob finishes the song, he grins and shouts, "That one was for Emily!" The crowd erupts in cheers, and I just stand there with a weird expression, feeling a strange mix of relief and... is that disappointment? No way.

Raelynn bursts into laughter, thoroughly enjoying my momentary confusion. I frown at her and get on with sorting out my emotions. I glance at Emily, who is now a shade of crimson red. It would be very hard to not catch her amidst all the students because she is practically a tomato right now.

And then Jacob winks. At me. Before stepping away from the makeshift stage and yelling out, "You guys are stupid! Damn, you guys actually believed that! The only person I love and will ever love is me, myself of course!" And he stomps away with his friends, laughing as they walk to the classroom.

I look at him in disbelief. "He thinks he's a Greek God, doesn't he?" I mutter. "Nah, just an idiot with lack of tasks to do." Raelynn sneers at him and I laugh.

As we walk to the classroom, I lecture myself silently.

No. Falling. In. Love. With. Jacob. Grayson.

He's the bane of my existence, I can bet my life on that statement. Argh.


Voting Target: 20+ (Chapter 11 won't be published until target is achieved )

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