Chapter 1

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I stare at the result board in utter shock. What the actual fuck.

I can feel the fume rising inside of me. How the hell did that jerk score higher than me?  I clench my jaw just in time to hear a sigh beside me. Stella. 

"Well, second's still nice right? So maybe a little smile will be satisfying for me not to think you're gonna punch the board right now?" Stella says with her usual dreamy smile that is almost contagious. I honestly sometimes find myself thinking how long it's going to be till flowers start sprouting from her face. 

I give in a tiny smile. I always do when it's something about her. She's been my best friend since freshman year. I don't know what I'd do without her. Side note, I'd probably be a loner in my not-so-precious highschool years.

"I just don't understand how that jerk is better than me," I mumble.

"He's NOT better than you in any way. You seriously need to stop comparing yourself to that trash can. Remember the time you won that Math Olympiad and he was so embarrassed he didn't come to class for a week? Or the time when you almost broke his nose in the middle of a fight as you should have?" Stella says as she intertwines her arm with me and we start walking towards our class.

I chuckle. Partly, just for the sake of Stella. "You know what, you're right. I'll do better next time," I respond to her.

I walk into the classroom and take my usual spot beside Stella. I can see Aiden from the corner of my eyes, also known as the "infamous jerk" sitting with with his usual gang of friends after a row. How the hell do people find him charming? It's like if sun had a face, it would've been him. I know Stella is sunshiny and everything too, but Stella is Stella. We're talking about the asshole, Anderson himself here. I just... despise him like seriously. With those sea green eyes, honey blond hair, tanned to beige skin and as if that's not enough, being the captain of our school basketball team and already having invented a new fucking software system while being a sophomore, he thinks the whole world is between his fingers. I wish someone could tell him that he's wrong. That he's nothing but a stupid jerk.

I'm taking out my books when I hear a warm full of honey and sugar yet not so unfamiliar voice call out, unfortunately, to me, "Hey, Skylar, I'm gonna take it as a 'you saw the result' seeing your agonized bilious face, but then again, who am I to judge when you have that brooding face 24/7?" he says with that malicious smirk I loathe and of course he has to use his majestic vocabulary all the time. Fucking show off.

I swallow hard at his words and my heart is filled with hatred and rage at him, yet again. I don't say anything and continue taking out my books from my bag. I don't have time to argue with stupid jerks. But then again, I hear a voice call out to me. This time, it's not him. It's his minion worshipper who follows him everywhere, at everything he does and says, Elsie Valerie, a brunette with olive skin and deep brown set of eyes, who is a fucking human Ursula.

"Well, maybe it's time for you to accept that whatever you do, Aiden does it better," she finishes off with a dramatic hand gesture. I have to control myself to not get up and punch that bitch in the face and knock out her teeth. Stella puts her hand above mine from her seat and shakes her head. They aren't worth it. I know. But how long can a human go till it's long enough?

"You don't have to point it out Elsie. She'll realize it soon enough," Aiden sneers at me.

Fuck them. "You know sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're fucking stupid instead of opening your mouth and clearing all the doubts, if there were any in the first place though," I spit out.

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