Chapter 6

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People say, 'Dreams Come True'

But right now, I say, 'Nightmares Come True'

I just came back from school; tired, worn out, stressed out but cool. Those allergic reactions have disappeared, fortunately. I was doing absolutely fine when my mother came to me room and exclaimed, "Stella? Come on! Get ready! We'll go shopping!" I beamed with excitement at the news. I was begond fine after hearing the news, if not incredible. After such a long time!

I got ready with my finest attire and went to the mall with such an expression you could imagine a toddler would have when their parents bought them some new toys.

I was so happy that I might have been literally radiating sunshine while entering the mall. Only to be greeted by the black cloud itself.

Fuck my life.

Why does my mom have to do everything, go everywhere with Mrs. Grayson? Just WHY? I glare at Jacob Grayson with an absolutely disgusted, annoyed, angry, could-kill-you-any-moment expression, and him being the "nice" person he is, does the same with me.

If only my mom knew what on earth this asshole did with my desk and books at school a few days back. Not to mention the milkshake incident being intentional.

Honestly, I suppose she'd just be the same and would say in that sweet voice, "Aww, you guys remind me of my teenage years!"

My mom never loses her sweetness. Unlike me.

I try being happy and excited and participate in shopping with the elders, ignoring the stupid at my tail. But of course, that's impossible.

"That's too sparkly," He remarks, at the black dress I check out. I roll my eyes and look at the others. My gaze falls upon a pink dress. "Nah, it exposes too much skin," He comments with that scrunched nose. "Who asked for your opinion?" I grunt at him angrily, and he just shrugs his shoulder and doesn't say anything. As I continue looking through the dresses, he sneers, "I just happen to have a hobby for annoying the fuck out of you and make you rage."

Someone please give me the permission to smash his pretty face right now.

"Can you stop before I punch you infront of our parents, for God's sake? Where's Jess? If she were here, at least you'd be 1% more disciplined," I ranted on. It's true, he's a little tiny bit more behaved around his sister, who's like, 3 years younger than him. "She's away at one of those cliché sleepovers you all girl's love to do, like honestly, what the fuck do you guys do sleeping together huh? Fuck each other or-"

"Will you please shut up? Or at least lower your damn voice? And ya'll emotionless freaks and jerks will never know about girls. Stop researching about girls and get a life," I hiss at him before he starts blurting more bullshit about sleepovers with friends, and quote him nicely at the end, which earns a majestic eye roll from him.

A little bit later, Mrs. Grayson and my lovely mom appears and chirps out, "Why don't you two go around the mall, hmm? We'll take some time, alright?" And they wander off, laughing like kids. How fun.

We both look at each other with nothing but hatred and roll our eyes at the same time. "Suzette, you'vehad your fair share of time with all that dress shopping. Now I get to do what I want. To the Arcade, yes!" Jacob declares and I make a crying noise and sigh in defeat. I cannot survive this shit, arghh.

The Arcade is Chaos with a C legit. And I don't know shit about what I'm supposed to do here because I never accompanied my brother to the Arcade.

The "alarming" loud beep of video games fills the air as Jacob challenges me. "Come on, Stella, give it a shot. You might surprise yourself," he smirks, gesturing toward the controller. I scoff but decide to humor him, taking the controller reluctantly.

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