i deserve this.

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"fucking nothing" suna laughed trying to blow it off "your so dramatic reiko." she gave him an angry look, I didn't know what to do so I waited outside the door and opened it after a few seconds "hey sorry I took so long" I said as I sat down with them.

I don't know how to feel about what suna and Reiko were saying. Was it really all nothing to him? or was that a cover-up for what was really happening with us?

I didn't know what was going through sunas head. He looked empty through his eyes. his thoughts  seemed clear as of now, nothing.

the silence wasn't awkward, but the eye contact between suna and I definitely was. Towards Reiko at least, she glared at suna.

"you know what y/n, just fucking take him" Reiko said angrily

"huh?" I said back confused "you were just happy I talked to you so you could get close to suna huh?"

I stared at Reiko in shock "what.." I stuttered "no Reiko, I didn't know you guys were even related!" I said in sad but powerful cry

Reiko looked angry and upset, I wasent sure what to do. I had never been in a situation like this one.

Reiko left, and I watched her from my window. when she was out of sight i looked at suna in tears. he just  sighed. He seemed upset.

I walked over to him and just looked down at him with tears streaming down my face. He opened his arms, saying nothing. I crawled into his lap and sobbed into his shirt.

The only person who has seen me like this before was Reiko, but I don't know if she will anymore. Suna was there, holding me in his arms. 

he rubbed my back, and I just held him tighter. My crying died down, suna put me in my bed, then he sat next to me.

"Would you like me to fix things with reiko?" he said

"I don't know right now, I'm still hungry, though"

he handed me some of the food I had brought up.

"thanks" I said as I sniffed he just nodded at me.

I didn't know what else to say towards suna, so I turned over and went to sleep. Hours had passed of me just sleeping.

I woke up, suna was just entering my room. "Sorry, I had to do something."

I was still waking up, but suna looked hurt. "Rin, are you okay?" I asked, panicked

"shit.. yeah, why"

"Your eye.."

"It's nothing y/n."

"It's clearly nothing. What happened?" I said as I sat up in my bed."Come sit down.." suna sat next to me and said, noting as I examined his face, he had a black eye.

he looked at me sweetly. "It's nothing y/n. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I guess, but that looks bad,"
I cupped his face in my hands and looked at him worriedly. "Who did this." I said angrily

"Nobody." he said

"rin, please tell me."

"I went to see rei, and she.. snapped"

"Did you hit her back?" I looked up at him as he got closer

"Course not. Are you implying that I would?"

"No, I wasn't, but what happened?"

"I feel like you were."

"Just shut up and tell me."

he looked empty as he looked at me. That's when I realized how hurt he really was about it.

"rin?.. please,"

he sighed

"I went to talk to her about what was happening between us, and was saying shit about how I alyways use girls, then brought up some personal things that just hurt hearing them from her."

"What personal things, suna?"


"Sorry, rin,"

"I uhm, somewhat of what my sister considers a "druggie"

"So that's the smell?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm not mad about it, I am somewhat so I won't judge you for that,"

"You smoke?"

"Everything and everything."

I stood up and walked over to a dresser drawer and pulled out weed, alcohol, perception drugs

"I didn't expect that from you y/n" he said, shocked

"Nobody ever does. Want some?"

"Sure." I put some weed in a pink prewrap and took out a lighter.

"why is it fucking pink"
he said

"shut up and appreciate my offer"

I lit it for him and sat back down, he took a hit and I just opened my mouth and signaled I wanted some

he placed it in my mouth and I took some, I looked him in the eyes as I did. it felt oddly sexual with suna, different than with my old friends

he looked away as I finished, he had some more and soon it was gone.

nobody had looked at me so kindly since I met Reiko, maybe suna wasent like how everybody said he was.

I took out some vodka and drank it from the bottle, suna didn't know what he was getting into.

"want some?"

he nodded so I handed it over, I watched him drink it as everything kicked in. it felt nice, being with suna but did I trust him enough for this?

I think I can, especially since he is doing it too. the daze I was under made me realize he was really more than just a friend to me, but would suna rin go for me of all girls?

I wouldent want him to think I'm a fan, but I really am.

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