im so (not) sick

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"What of course I am sick," I said angrily, faking a cough he just looked at me and nodded he opened his phone and texted somebody. I was not sure who, but whatever, I tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn't not with suna on my bed, especially

suna got under my covers and face the opposite direction from me I was so fucking confused. I ignored his actions and continued my attempt at sleep because I was very tired from being up so late the night before. it was around 9 pm now, so I was starting to get worried about anything suna could have in mind.

there's always been rumors about him being with girls. I wanted to go to sleep, badly. like so badly I could DIE. but I wanted to go outside, outside with suna just.. I wanted to be with him in general, but I didn't know him as well as I wish I did.

I don't think he would like me like that. I heard noises from sunas phone signaling that he was still awake. Was he just gonna stay over without permission in my bed, too? I can't believe this.

there wasn't much to do than sleep now, so as I kept trying, I finally drifted off. I slept for what seemed like two minutes, then I got woken up by my door opening very quietly. I tried to sit up, but suna was lying on my stomach.

Reiko just looked at me, shocked and kinda hurt. "rei, it's not like that," I said quietly. Reiko sighed. "Okay, I believe you y/n. don't hurt him, though y/n"

I looked at her confused "no I really mean it's not like that." I sighed. she had a happy expression and then smirked, "DOG PILE!!" she jumped onto suna, and I. suna woke up in shock he kinda just sat there wondering what the fuck was happening, Reiko and I were laughing.

Suna yawned. "I was sleeping, bro."
"Not anymore." Reiko laughed, suna pushed her off the bed. I just watched it happen, I opened my phone and started recording as reiko pulled suna off the bed and started playing fighting with him. After a few short moments passed, I stopped recording.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna get some food. Do you want anything?" I said, looking at them. "Anything is okay
y/n." suna said, looking at me. "okay I'll be right back" I walked out of the room and down to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed some food and headed back to the room. I was about to open the door then I heard them talking "what were you and y/n doing"

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