Merry Christmas, I guess?

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The four remaining Pevesnie children had run out of the Dam as soon as they could, hugging their coats tightly and forcing Mr Beaver to lead them to the White Witch's castle. Up ahead, they can see him walking alone, they try to catch up, but Anne falls as they reach the top of the hill.

"Hurry!" Peter yells, they can just see Edmund enter the gates.

"Edmund!" Lucy screams, and Mr. Beaver 'Shhs' her

"They'll hear ya!"

Peter starts to run after Edmund but Mr. Beaver grabs him by the sleeve of his coat - Anne is still struggling to stand up.


"Get off me!"

"You're playing into her hands!"

"We just can't let him go!"

"He's our brother!"

"He's the bait!" Mr Beaver explains, helping the eldest daughter up "The Witch wants all four of ya!"


"To stop the prophecy from coming true! To kill ya!" The three children stare horrified.

"This is all your fault," Susan glares at Peter

"My fault?"

"None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!"

"Oh, so you knew this would happen?!"

"I didn't know what would happen. Which is why we should have left while we still could!"

"Stop it!" Lucy exclaims

"Blaming each other isn't going to help anyone," Anne says rather matter of factly "Especially not Edmund,"

"She's right. Only Aslan can save your brother now,"

"Then take us to him," They turn and watch as the gates shut behind Edmund.

Begrudgingly, the siblings follow Mr Beaver back to the dam, in the distance, they hear a howl.

"Oh Blimming heck," Mr Beaver mutters "Run!"


"Run!" they listen to him, sledging down the hill and back towards the dam "She's sent the hounds after us!" he explains, and they burst through the little door to his home at top speed "Hurry, Mama! They're after us!"

"Oh, right then..." Mrs. Beaver springs into action, grabbing things from various cupboards.

"What's she doing?" Peter asks, and Mr Beaver indicates she's lost it.

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