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Chapter 23 - Submit

The enormous door loomed before me, its familiarity sending a shiver down my spine. The soft glow of the light revealed the cracks etched into its surface. My hand trembled as I watched the handle turn on its own, causing the light to intensify.

Inside the room, my father sat at his desk, his face etched with anger. I hesitated at the doorway, not wanting to intrude or draw attention to myself. The room was hazy, reminiscent of the last time I had seen it. Books and papers littered every surface, and the open window let in a warm breeze.

Across from my father stood Rotti, his appearance slightly younger than I remembered. He seemed content, trying to maintain composure in my father's presence.

"Rotti, I cannot agree to this," my father's voice carried an aggravated tone. "My daughter is only five years old. Who knows what kind of woman she will become?"

"A wonderful one, if you consider her family," Rotti replied, his arms open wide as if welcoming the idea. "Imagine the potential when our families join forces."

"Luigi is much older than Malta, and I've heard rumors of his involvement in illicit activities," my father stood up, his frustration evident. "I cannot accept this proposal."

"Raphael, please understand that my son has been groomed to take over," Rotti said, his voice oozing charm as he approached my father's desk. "While my methods may be unconventional, I believe it is essential for him to understand all aspects of the business. It would bring me peace to know that your daughter will marry him when she comes of age."

Rotti's words lingered in the air, creating a tense atmosphere in the room. My heart pounded as I listened, a mixture of confusion and fear enveloping me. Was this a buried memory, one that I had suppressed for so long?

My father paced, lost in his thoughts. He seemed torn between his concerns for my future and the potential benefits that a union between our families could bring.

As their discussion continued, I couldn't shake the uneasiness that Rotti's presence evoked. There was something beneath his charming facade that made me uncomfortable.

Silently, I inched closer to the door, desperate to remain unnoticed. But just as I reached for the handle, my father's voice halted me.

"Rotti, I appreciate your offer, but I need more time to consider this," my father's tone held a hint of resignation. "Please give my wife and me time to think it over."

Rotti's expression faltered briefly, but he quickly recovered, offering a smile. "Of course, Raphael. Take all the time you need. Just remember, our companies have the potential to grow stronger together.

With that, Rotti turned and walked towards the door, his confident steps sending a shiver down my spine. He glanced at me briefly, his eyes penetrating my soul, before exiting the room.

The room faded from view, replaced by Rotti's echoing footsteps resonating through the hall. Something compelled me to follow, and I obliged.

We arrived at a graveyard, where my father's lifeless body lay in a coffin. Rotti stood at the front of the precession , accompanied by Luigi. Two unfamiliar faces stood behind them. I was ten at the time, yet I had no recollection of their presence. Had the drugs affected my memory this severely?

As they placed my father's coffin on the altar, my mother clutched my hand, her sobs echoing through the air. I observed her tears streaming down her face, her inability to keep herself together. Memories flooded back, and I realized I hadn't properly grieved for him. As I child, I couldn't comprehend the gravity of the situation.

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