chapter 23

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⚠️warning! this scene contains, harm, gore, sex, consensual non consent play, please read at your own risk

Run run run by Dutch Melrose

sarah's pov,

The only thing that came to mind was the woods. I sprinted towards the dense forest, my heart pounding in my chest. The trees seemed to whisper warnings as I disappeared into the darkness, hoping to lose him in the shadows.

I could still hear him counting.

"Three!" he shouted, and I could feel his smirk.

The dried leaves crunched beneath my feet as I ran, the sound echoing through the trees. The fear of being caught pushed me to run faster, my breaths coming in short gasps. I prayed that the cover of the woods would be enough to keep me safe from his clutches.

I looked back; he's not there.

But suddenly I felt a sting of pain on my feet , causing me to stumble and fall to the ground. The sharp pain shot through my body, making it difficult to stand back up and continue running.


I lifted my left foot to see a few pieces of glass stabbed in my skin. I gritted my teeth and quickly pulled a few of them out, wincing at the sharp sensation. Blood trickled down my ankle, leaving a trail behind me as I forced myself to keep moving. With each step, the fear weighed heavy on my chest, driving me forward through the tangled maze of trees. I couldn't let him catch me.

I hid behind a giant tree when I heard the rustling of leaves behind me. My heart raced as I held my breath, praying he wouldn't find me. The sound grew closer.

"Sarah!" he shouted sarcastically , his voice echoing through the forest. I closed my eyes, trying to remain as still as possible, hoping he would give up and leave me alone.

"I know you are here." I could feel the panic rising in my throat as his footsteps drew nearer. The branches above me rustled. But I kept quiet. The stabbing pain on my foot and me being breathless, exhausted from running for what felt like hours, made it difficult to stay hidden. I knew I had to find a way to escape before he caught me.

"You want to play hide and seek?" I heard him chuckle, his voice now closer than ever.


"But I'd love to."

"Either you give up, or if I find you..." "Let's just say it won't end well for you," he threatened, sending a chill down my spine. Should I stay hidden and risk being caught, or make a run for it and hope for the best?

I put my hands on my mouth to stop wincing. My heart was thumping so loudly. I hope he doesn't hear it.

Something clicked in my mind. A rock I looked back and hide behind the tree, searching for him with my eyes wide open. And I saw him, he was searching for me. I carefully targeted the rock on the opposite direction and threw it, creating a distraction. I took advantage and ran towards the other tree and hide behind the tree trunk.

As I peaked out from behind the tree trunk, he was nowhere to be found. I waited in silence, trying to control my breathing. After a few moments, I cautiously peeked out again, but there was no trace of him. Where is he? It was complete silence; there was no rustling of leaves. I decided to slowly make my way towards the next tree, keeping a close eye on my surroundings. My footsteps made it way backwards, fixed around the forest, searching for any movement.

Suddenly my back hit something hard, and I stumbled forward, turning around quickly to see what it was. I hope it was just a tree. But my bad luck. there he was, standing right behind me with a mischievous grin on his face.

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