chapter- 19

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"Eww," Shelly said with a disgusted expression.

"I know right.. but I couldn't help.. he looked kinda yk."

"gurl wtf?" She threw away her phone in frustration, and I couldn't help but feel shameless and embarrassed. Like, why did I let that happen?

"But, yk, his skin literally shines like Edward. I just wonder if he is a vampire. But he did lick my blood. I wonder if vampires exist." I can't believe I'm saying this, but, see, we've got to talk about it. Is this perhaps only a coincidence?

"I can't believe you didn't move on from that cringy ass Twilight shit. What is wrong with you?" I opened my mouth to say something, but there were literally no words to say about it. twilight was cringe, yes, do I still like it, yes.

"And you stop reading that sh*t. It does not happen in real life. this literally fucking mental illness." Something clicked in my mind; what if I made it happen in real life?

"shelly.." I straightened up my posture and leaned forward. I think she would literally think I was stupid.

"Do you think if I make him fall in love with me, he will treat me better?" She rolled her eyes in frustration. "You are delusional."

"Maybe." I heard a familiar voice from behind. As I looked back, I saw Natasha.

"Sorry if I'm late." I shifted to make space for her to sit beside me. "No worries." I gave her a faint, awkward smile after what happened in the office the other day.

I shifted my gaze toward Shelly and looked lost. maybe lost in Natasha's eyes. She is beautiful, I admit, but Shelly looked like she fell in love at first sight.

"Oh well, Shelly, this is Natasha. Natasha, that's Shelly." They both gave each other smiles while I was trying my best to push away the awkwardness.

"Well, I heard about you from Sarah a lot; it's nice to meet you."

"Oh, she did." Shelly looked at me and raised her eyebrows. Well, I know she is kind of into girls. I can see her cheeks going red from embarrassment as she tries to hide her surprise. Natasha chuckled softly, breaking the tension in the room.

"Oh well, I need to go and take orders since it's getting busy in there. I'll see you guys in a few minutes," she excused herself and left.

"Well, sorry for grabbing your collar the other day." I said, biting my lower lip and gulping the guilt that had been building up inside me.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me at all. It should be me; I'm making you go through this hell. But a good thing is that my business proposal has been accepted in Hong Kong. There is a high possibility that we can shift there next year. Till then, I'll try my best to make it happen." She looked at me with a mixture of surprise and relief.

"That's great news," I replied with a hint of excitement. "A fresh start in Hong Kong sounds like just what we need. I'm glad things are finally falling into place for us."

I was happy, but she didn't look as happy, and her smile was fading away. She looked down and said, "But I'm sad. I'm sad for Rico; my whole life I've been lying to him, but he trusts me so much. "I'm really feeling guilty about everything-making you go through this hell and lying to Rico."

"hey..." I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"Every day I think about it, how can I tell him the truth? I don't have courage to tell him; he has no idea what happened that night, and he blindly trusted me, and I broke it." I rubbed her back to comfort her.

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