chapter 3

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author's pov, 

Today was an important day for Sarah, or let's say for her aunt. After all, it is a big day for them. They are about to meet the Veneto family. After all, it's a big deal. But it was not that easy for Sarah. Her aunt leaves, leaving no chance to let her rest. That day, they bought a whole new closet for her, new dresses and new shoes, and, in fact, they even hired a stylist for her.

"Aunt? Where did you get this much money? " She asked curiously.

"Pension," she smirked.

it was the first time for sarah to dress something like an elegant dress. and, of course, it feels different to wear something that is not your style.

"Hurry! We are going to be late! Sarah, why do you look so fat? Stacy, do something.

Stacy is a stylist.

"Maam, I think we need shapewear to cover the chubby belly."

Sarah was embarrassed. She loved baggy clothes, not because they made her feel comfortable, but also because they made her feel insecure by showing her skin. She has flawless skin and beautiful curves. She felt so humilated. She closed her eyes, trying to swallow her anxiety.

"i want to change this dress, i-i want that one" she pointed out towards a black dress that covers from neck to whole body. 

"Umm.. I don't think it's going to look good on you. "

"what no sarah !" aunt almost screamed. 

"Maam, can I have a moment with her please?"

My aunt burst out in anger while yelling at her as she went out. Stacy took a deep breath and gently placed her hands on Sarah's shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"Listen Sarah! I know what you are going through right now, but come on, don't get nervous. You look pretty in those dresses. You don't have to cover them up.

even are convincing sarah so much she still chose to wear that black dress. Meanwhile  aunt was so done with her. She scolded her so many times, but Sarah didn't change her mind.

They arrived in Veneto's company. The building was vast. as they entered the building through the glass doors. There were so many employees working there. They reached out to reception. A beautiful blonde employee was sitting there.

"How can I help you?" she asked with a brightest smile that you need a sunglass. 

"We are here to meet Mr. Veneto." She looked at them up and down or judged them while narrowing her eyes.

"Umm... just a second," she said as she picked up the phone. while giving them a weird look.

"We do not allow anyone to meet them; he is a busy man. so he is not available. "

My aunt was sure she was lying. "We have an appointment. Actually, we have an invitation from Mr. Veneto. "

"OK, give me a moment please."

as she confirmed their appointment. Her personality changed real quick. She was smiling more brightly and escorted us to the top floor.

"Sir, Ms. D'souza has arrived." She said on the phone. The door opens automatically.

Sarah's pov,

As the door opened, I opened my eyes wide. The office's interior was luxurious. From the glass walls to the black leather couch, everything screams "expensive" to my broke ass. The left side of the wall was full of books lined up. There were a lot of files on the desk, but they were all neatly organized. I could see those gold-plated pens.

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