chapter 4

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sarah's pov, 

Everyone cheered at the moment we kissed. The hall was glammed up for the celebration. Grandpa couldn't stop clapping. He looked much happier than the one who got married. Tears of joy were rolling through his eyes. He came closer to the new couple. He gave a head pat to both.

"I wish Luca was here to see this day through his own eyes."

Suddenly, the door opened roughly, and a girl came running in a hurry. She was wearing a beautiful dress. She stopped.

"Am I late? u guys married already?" She said, taking deep breaths and huffing.

"No! You are always late." "This brat gets on my nerves," Grandpa said in anger.

"Sorry, the flight was 40 minutes late... not my fault!" Sorry not sorry. "

"Didn't I tell you to take your private jet?"

"i-it got damaged"

"what a careless brat! now stop arguing and meet Sarah, your sister in law" 

she looked towards and hugged me tightly. "congratulations!!!" i hugged her back "thankyou. im glad you came" 

"btw im aria! im sister of this bitchface brother. "

"congratulations bitch, u are lucky to have her" she said glaring at riccardo. reminds me of shelly and josh, I know how dangerous their sibling fight was, just for an ice cream. 

We had lunch together. It was finally time that I had to bid Shelly and my aunt goodbye. I hugged Shelly tightly with the intention of never letting her go, but I have to go. A car appeared in black, decorated with white flowers . I could see Riccardo sitting in the back. and the servants escorted me to the car. and waved at Shelly and my aunt. My eyes were getting flooded with tears. Ricardo took out his hankerchief and handed it to me.

"Keep the hankerchief; you will need it the most." His attitude got on my nerves.

"I won't need it." I fired back and handed him his hankerchief.

"yeah lets see" i could see smirk in his flithy face. but I chose to look outside rather than at him. 

They didn't talk the whole journey. There was an awkward silience between them. It was so awkward, even the driver was uncomfortable. When they finally reached his house, Sarah couldn't take her eyes off the sight of the beautiful house. The house was like one of the Renaissance buildings. There was a beautiful garden with flowers and a marvellous fountain.

She stepped out of the car. She was greeted by the servants. A middle-aged woman came forward and introduced herself.

"Hello, Madam, my name is Anna, and welcome to the villa," she said with a smile.

Anna was the head maid of that villa and also the caretaker of young Ricardo. She was the most trusted servant. As they entered Ricardo's room, the room smelled like roses. The bed was decorated with rose petals in a heart shape. and wine was on the side. Sarah's things were in the wardrobe, so she left. The only ones who were left in the room were her and Ricardo.

The moment she left, after some time, Ricardo crashed the wine bottle on the ground in anger. Sarah, not knowing why he suddenly acted like that, grabbed her by the throat.

"You fucking bitch"


Sarah's pov,

He suddenly grabbed my neck. It was so sudden I don't even know how to react.

"Riccardo, please let go. "You are hurting me," I said, trying my best to get out of his grip. As I was struggling, his grip on my neck got harder and harder, till I couldn't breathe.

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