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Darrell's POV

It had been like a few weeks from The Sebastian Incident. You know what I'm talking about...

Sebastian wrote a letter to me. Ron gave it to me. It read,

To Darrell Rivers,

Dear Darrell, I am very sorry for my actions. I know it was not the right actions to chose to a lady. I am deeply sorry. I should have kept my hands to myself. I have never been in love with anyone before. And quite frankly, I did not see a point but, Darrell Rivers, you were the reason I love romance. I loved you and I knew I had no chance with you but I guess I thought I could have you. I know you are with Ron. I will not tell. I have a new crush now so you really do not have to worry. We shall be visiting Malory Towers today and again, be careful of them stupid shits.

Love from,
Seb. F

I put the letter aside for now, on my desk and literally just laid down on my bed. What would happen if I told Miss Grayling about me and Ron? It was Family Day and Thackerton were coming as well. Mummy and daddy, plus Fee would be so cross. They'd ban me from seeing Ron. Ron's would probably do the same.

I went into the common room to sit down and rest for a minute. I saw Ron.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I have to clean this room. You?" He said.

"Just resting." I said. I sat down on the sofa.

"Well I think I deserve a rest right now." He said. He sat next to me. I kissed him. He put his arm around me and his sleeve was up. He quickly put it down. I thought I saw bruises.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah," He said.

"I thought I saw bruises on your arms." I said.

"No, that's, um, silly of you! Th-there is nothing." He stuttered. I pushed his sleeves up. There they were. The bruises.

"Ron, who did this? Ron!" I said.

"I-I can't-" He said.

"Ron you have to tell me." I said.

"My father. He beats me for no reason." He said.

"Are they anywhere else?" I said. He slightly nodded. "Show me."

"Fine." He said. He took his shirt off. He had bruises everywhere. I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh my- Ron! It's really bad." I said. I was so shocked. He put his shirt back on. I hugged him and he held on tight. I felt so bad. I didn't want him getting hurt anymore.

"Should I tell Miss Grayling about it?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Okay."

"Darrell, he'll probably kill me if he finds out about us." He said.

"Well, I don't know." I said. "If you join me and my family, it would be a lot easier. Please?"

"Okay." He said. I kissed him.

I saw mummy, daddy and Felicity in the car. They stepped out. I ran to them and hugged them.

"Fee! I missed you!" I said.

"Me too!" She said. I hugged her. I saw Ron walking towards me and my family.

"Um, there's something I need to tell you guys," I said. Ron came and put his hands on my waist from behind. I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my neck.

"Um, this is Ron, my, uh, boyfriend," I said softly. He pulled out some roses from behind him and gave a smile to mummy.

"I uh, picked these for you Mrs. Rivers." He said giving them to her.

"Oh why thank you darling," She said as she gave them a sniff. She smiled at him. Daddy stuffed his hands in his pockets. Fee nudged me and looked scared so I held her hand.

"He won't do anything, I promise," I whispered to her. She nodded and clutched my arm.

"To the beach then?" I said.

"To the beach!" Mummy said. Ron came with me hand in hand and kissed my temple. Fee rolled her eyes and fake gagged.

We all sat down and talked. Mummy saw my results on the exams and how well I was doing. She gave me a right smile and looked at me shocked.

"Well done my darling!" She said and hugged me.

"You know Darrell is really good at Lacrosse  as well,"  Ron said and put his arm around me.

"When I come to Malory Towers, I wanna be good at Lacrosse just like you!" Felicity said.

"Darrell!" Someone said in the distance. I looked behind me and smiled.

"SEB!" I screamed happily. I ran up to him and jumped on him whilst giving him a hug. He carried me.

"You saw my letter? Darrell I'm so sorry." He said.

"Um, it's fine." I said. I put my hair behind my ear.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"Um, good. What about you? And who's the person that you like?" I asked him.

"I'm good and um, they are a... uh, boy," He said. I had my mouth open.

"Seb, you're in love with a boy? Aw, who?" I asked him.

"This new boy at our school. He's in my form. His name is Ethan." He smiled. I hugged him.

"I'm so happy! Did he come?" I asked him. He nodded and showed me Ethan. Ethan was cute. I was honestly so happy for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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