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Darrell's POV

I was still ignoring them because I just could not believe that they did that to me. Gwen tried to talk to me but I just did not respond to her. I did want to stay mad but then I did not want to.

We were playing Lacrosse and we were on a break so I decided to sit down on the benches. Someone came and sat down next to me. I turned to see them.

"Go away." I said to Ron.

"Listen, Darrell, nothing happened. All it was that she wanted me to post her letter to her mother and she hugged me." He explained. I did not want to talk to him though.

"Darrell! You're up!" Alicia said to me. I picked up my stick and went off but he grabbed my arm. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Listen, Darrell, you can push me away all you like, but I won't stop until you forgive me and Gwen-" He said.

"Look Ron! I don't want to be with you!" I snapped. I didn't mean to say that. Shit! Of course I wanted to be with him! Darrell, you fucking idiot!  He put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

"Ron, I-" I said.

"Leave it Darrell." He said.

"DARRELL! COME ON!" Alicia shouted. I bit my lip.

Whilst I was playing, I couldn't think at all. I failed to pass the ball to anyone. I was the star player as well.

It was the last score and I had the ball. I went to score but before I knew it, I just fell onto the ground and passed out again.

I woke up, again, in the San, with Matron, Alicia and Sally by my side. You are only allowed 2 friends at a time.

"This happened, yesterday as well." I said.

"You might be coming down with a fever." Matron said.

"Do I have to stay in here?" I asked.

"Do humans have to breathe? Of course! We can't have you spreading it on to the others." She said. She got the medicine out. "Have some cod liver oil. That should do you good." I made a disgusted face but drank it anyways. It was putrid.

Gwen came to see me but I wasn't bothered. She came and sat next to me.

"Go away." I said. I sat up.

"By the way, Ron told me what happened between you two at the Lacrosse match." She said. I scoffed.

"Of course he did." I mumbled.

"Do you still like him?" She asked. I looked down. I nodded.

"Then I think, when you're better, you should tell him." She said. I looked at her.

"Well, I think you want me to leave so," Gwen said. She turned to leave. I started to cry.

"How?" I cried. I sniffled as she turned around. "He's probably not going to talk to me after what I did."

"Oh come here." She said and hugged me.

"I want to be with him but I can't!" I cried.

"I know. He'll probably be in the garden so tell Matron you feel way better and tell him." She said.

"Thank you Gwen. I'm sorry for getting mad at you."

"Okay okay! Now go!" She said. I went to Matron.

"Matron, I feel a lot better. Maybe check my head?" I said. She did and she let me go. I ran to the garden.

"Ron!" I shouted. He turned around and frowned. I ran up to him.

"What is it?" He said, not bothered.

"Ron, I, I want to be with you and I didn't mean what I said before. I-I love you!" I said. He smiled. I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed him. His hands travelled down to my waist. He brought me closer, deepening the kiss. It would've gotten good if I did not hear something that sounded like a certain squeak from Mary-Lou. I pulled away from him and looked behind us. I saw all of them there, smiling and giggling. I felt embarrassed and went red. They all went but I knew that they were waiting for me outside. I kissed him one more time and went to them. They all screamed and laughed.

"Oh my God!" Irene screamed.

"Was that your first kiss with him?" Mary-Lou asked.

"No." I replied. They all laughed.

"What?" Sally said.

I went to bed smiling so much. At least I could call him my boyfriend here. That was all that I needed.

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