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General POV

Darrell walked around her dorm trying to see any parts that were not tidy. Matron was going to inspect all the dorms. Matron stepped into the room as she had news for them. It depended how they took the news to be honest.

"Right, girls. I have some news for you. Gwendoline, up on your feet. You're much older than before so, behave like it. Anyways, there will be a new girl so I would like you to help her. Her name is Wilhemina-" Matron said.

"Bill, just Bill." A girl with short hair said. She stepped into the room and took a bed next to Darrell.

"Hi, I'm Darrell." Darrell said, pulling out her hand.

"And I'm Bill, nice to meet you Darrell." Bill said.

"I hate gingers." Gwen mumbled. Darrell rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, I have to go to Miss Grayling's office. Where is that?" Bill asked.

"I'll show you." Darrell said.

Bill sat down on the chair and spoke to Miss Grayling. Miss Grayling spoke about the rules and about her horse.

"So your horse-" Miss Grayling spoke.

"Thunder. Sorry." Bill said.

"Thunder. Now let's talk about when you can ride him. You can ride him in the morning and at breaks but not in class time. I hope you get a good education here. Your classmates and your roommates will help you if you are stuck. I think Darrell will help a lot as she showed you here. They are all lovely girls." She said.

Darrell's POV

I went to go see Ron and he was riding his bike. I went to him. He was going into a stable. Why? He had some carrots with him.

"Ron. What's with the carrots?" I asked him. He got off his bike.

"I've got to feed this." He said pointing to the stable. Bill came to us.

"Thunder!" She shouted. She went into the stable.

"Who the fuck is Thunder?" I mumbled. I went in with Ron, holding his hand. Thunder was a horse! Bill's horse. It was cute.

"So are you two together?" Bill asked.

"Um, yes." I said. I looked at Ron and kissed him.

"Okay then. Well what's your name?" She asked him.

"Ron. Ron Gilson." He said shaking her hand.

"Well, can you feed him because we have to really go or else." Bill said. She took my hand and we ran.

We had Mam'zelle in the morning and the lesson was very boring because all we learnt was how to say what the weather was.

"Darrell? Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui?(What is the weather today?)" She asked me. I lifted my head up from the desk and answered her.

"Uh, Il fait beau aujourd'hui...(It is sunny today...) temps idéal pour jouer à la crosse!(Perfect weather to play Lacrosse!)" I said, smiling. Everyone agreed.

"Non, non. Well it is a nice day. Only if you finish your work quickly." Mam'zelle said. And we did. I changed into my kit and got my stick.

Whilst I was playing, I think I played a bit too hard. I accidentally made Mary-Lou trip and she sprained her ankle. She had to sit down on the benches with Gwen.

It was the end of the match and we had to go to our other classes. We had history with Mr. Parker. We has to learn about the Battle Of Malory Bay. Key words, boring.

"Sir, where is the treasure, now?" Irene asked.

"Well, rumours has it that they are buried somewhere around Malory Towers. But don't go searching for it." He said.

"I'll definitely go search for it." Bill whispered to me. She smiled at me. I smiled back. I loved a good mystery. Ones with Alicia.

"Do you want to join Bill and search for them?" I asked Alicia. She nodded and smiled.

Class was over so I went over to Ron with Alicia and Bill to ask him if he knew anything about them.

"Ron. Hi." I said to him. He came to us. I kissed him, obviously. Alicia and Bill rolled their eyes.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Do you perhaps, know anything about the treasure from The Battle Of Malory Bay?" I asked him.

"My mum once told me a story about that. She said that the treasure was buried under somewhere near Malory Towers. Like the building. Maybe the swimming pool? Try there." He said. Alicia smiled at Bill.

"Okay thanks." I said. He held my hand.

"Well we gotta go so come on Darrell!" Alicia said.

"One second." I said. They went and I was still here with Ron.

"Have you told your family?" I asked him.

"No. I've never had a girlfriend before so maybe in a few days?" He said. I nodded. "You?"

"Not yet. I am planning to on Family Day." I said. A little girl with our uniform came running to him.

"Ron! I was looking for you!" She said. She looked about 12. Same age as me when I started.

"Ruby! What are you doing? You're meant to be in class." Ron said. He hugged her.

"Who's she?" She asked him.

"She's my, um, she's my girlfriend. Don't tell Dad. Or Fred." He said. She nodded and smiled. She shook my hand.

"I'm Ruby Gilson. I'm in your school." She said to me.

"I'm Darrell Rivers." I said.

"Oh so your the beautiful, short haired girl who shared a magical kiss with Ron?" She said. He went red and I blushed. Ron said that about me?

"He always talks about you. Like for example yesterday, Fred was greeting these guests really rudely, he said that 'be like Darrell, she's polite.' He can't get enough of you." She said. He went even more red. I smiled.

"Okay how about you two go in together." He said. She took my hand as we walked back to the building.

I was in my dorm with the girls and we were resting for a bit. I sitting down just reading a book.

"Hey did you guys hear that Family Day was moved to tomorrow?" Alicia said.

"What?" I said. I didn't know.

"By the way, Darrell, who was that girl you were walking with?" Sally asked.

"It was Ron's sister. Ruby. Apparently he always talks about me to them. That's really cute." I said.

"You've got yourself a good egg then." Sally said. I smiled.

On the outside, I was all happy. On the inside, I was fucking going to explode because of all the stress. I had to tell them about me and Ron. What would they say? Would they be mad? I don't know!

All I had to do was just wait for the moment. Just wait.

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