|| Love at first fight||

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Y/n's pov:

As we walked outside I saw that same boy posting up for a fight.The kid he was fighting was way bigger than him, but in the blink of the eye the bigger kid swang at the boy I like-..The boy I saw earlier.The punch missed the boy, but the boy swang back and hit the kid in his nose.He also did a round off kick and the kid dropped to the ground, before the boy hit the kid again..He looked at me and smiled..At me!?!..I felt like fainting his smile was so pretty..he was so pretty..but as soon as i snapped out my trance the kid has a bloody face and the boy was being taken to the principals office.

Robin's Pov:

As I walked outside a whole bunch of kids followed me.Moose had pissed me off because he kept talking about my dad and how he wasn't gonna make it out the war either way.He was already posted up so I posted up as well, but I saw Finney, Gwen, Donna, and this..this girl..She was hella fine..damn.. Anyways Moose swang but it missed me so I swang back and hit him right in his nose. I was gonna put up a real fight especially since there's a cute girl watching me and I'm not gonna look like a pussy in front of a cute girl. While Moose was taking in my punch I kicked him right in the face and that made him drop to the ground. Before I started punching him again, I looked at the girl that I found really cute and smiled. For some reason she looked shocked but I shook it off and punched Moose multiple times again. His face was bloody and before I can look up the teacher grabbed me and I was being sent to the principals office.

Gwen's Pov:

While we were watching Robin fight I glanced at y/n, she was staring at Robin like he was some peace of Gold or something. Right when Robin was about to punch moose again, he looked at Y/n and smiled..I knew right then and there that Robin found her cute.He always does that to girls he likes.I looked at Y/n,she looked shocked and continued staring at him.After the fight was over we were all walking back to the cafeteria, getting ready for our next class. I asked.."What was that about y/n?"..

Y/n's pov

When we were leaving back to the cafeteria Gwen asked me.."what was that about y/n?"..I replied.."Huh?..what do you mean?"..Donna, Gwen and Finney all looked at each other..What do they mean?..

Finney's Pov:

When y/n said.."Huh?..what do you mean?"..I looked at Gwen and Donna.I started giggling because y/n was act so "clueless". I said.."Why were you looking at Robin like that?..I mean you looked mesmerized"..Then Donna and Gwen started laughing with me.

Y/n's pov:

"Robin?.. Who's Robin?"..I asked, Finney and Gwen started yapping about the boy that smiled at me. The way they described him is that he's a trouble maker but he looks really sweet. I said.." Shut the fuck up,you guys needa stop yapping I heard you the first time! Why don't you guys just introduce me to him?"..

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