08| LIES

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act 2: part 8| Lies


AlLLISON POTTER never really had boyfriends. She got asked out plenty but they were asking her out because they knew her. They just wanted a rose to be show around. She was more than that. She was a beautiful girl and a lot of people agreed with that. She wanted to be with someone who understood who and who actually knew her. Someone who made her feel like the most important person in the room.

Allison was lying on her stomach on her bed reading the book that Sirius had brought her. Alice was looking through the girls closest to try and find a cute sweater for her date with Frank Longbottom later on. Lily sat on Allison's bed and looked over her shoulder. "Is that new?"she asked her. Allison turned her head away from the book and then looked at the red haired girl. "Yes.. Black got it for me"she said casually with a shrug of her shoulders. "Did you hear that Alice? Allie got a book from Sirius Black"Lily teased. Alice laughed and turned to face them. "He doesn't get girls presents"Alice pointed out with a smile.Allison rolled her eyes. "Stop overreacting. This isn't anything"she said and shook her head before standing up. Allison grabbed a sweater and pulled it over her top. She told her two closest friends about the moment from the locker room.Lily wasn't shocked about the moment the two of them had shared, she had been telling the green eyed girl for years that something was different with them.

Meanwhile, Sirius was walking back with Remus after they left James and Peter to finish the prank they were planning on a few Slytherins. Remus looked at Sirius. "Where did you disappear to after the game?"The scared boy asked his friend. Sirius looked around. "I was with Potter. I was giving her a book"he shrugged his shoulders. "You gave her a book.. that's nice"he smiled. Sirius nodded. "Yeah.. we talk during our study time for the potions project and she mentioned it a few times"he nodded. "Don't remind me.. i know about the rules. I was there when we all made them"Sirius spoke,
pointing his finger at the boy next to him. Sirius knew that Remus thought it was a bad idea, and he was trying his hardest to not give in to what he was feeling.

Allison was waiting for Sirius in the library. She was reading one of the text books when she felt someone sit down next to her. She smiled. "Hi"she said softly, He replied back with a 'Hello'. They started to work on their project, gazing for a little to long, brushes of their arms against one another and smiles that mean more than just a smile. She leant over him slightly to grab a new quill when his head moved. Their lips brushing against one another. He looked down at her lips and he moved slightly towards her. She pulled away and awkwardly rubbed her neck . "It's getting late.. i should be going"she said instantly. She backed up her books and then shoved them into her bag. Sirius nodded sheepishly. "Yeah.. it's late"he mumbled before standing up. What was he doing? Did he just try to kiss his best friends sister.Allison walked out of the library, her brain clouded with the replay of what had just happened between them. She sighed, 'This is wrong' she can't thinking to herself as she made her way towards her dorm.

DAYS LATER since their almost kiss in the library. Both of them have been lying to themselves about not thinking about it, when both have had it stuck on their minds. For different reasons. She had been ignoring the dark haired man since the moment they had in the library together. Allison was walking down the hallway from class when she felt someone pull her. She looked up and Sirius was dragging her into an empty corridor near the Astronomy tower. "Stop ignoring me"he said in a frustrated tone of voice. "I'm not ignoring you"she lied. Sirius chuckled dryly. "Yes ,you are"he stated in a low tone of voice. He moved his body in front of her and looked down, his hand reaching up and tucking a piece of her loose hair behind her ear. She gulped at the feeling of his warm hand against her.She took a step back, her back hitting the cold wall of the corridors. "What are you doing"she murmured out as he took another step closer to her. "I don't know"he whispered back. Their bodies touching. His hand moved to her jaw and Sirius lifted up her face towards him. She didn't move, she didn't want to move. Spending all this time with each other has effected the way they see each other. Something had changed. Before she could finish her thought, Sirius lips were on hers.He gently kissed her lips. Allison kissed back, Her hand gently moving up to his chest. He pressed her into the wall a little, making her let out a small groan at the sudden coldness on her back.Sirius pulled away when they both lacked air. "That was amazing"he spoke. She slowly nodded, still processing the action. Her eyes were big and bright, and a blush crept onto her cheeks brightly. Showing how she had enjoyed the kiss they shared.Sirius kissed her lips a little more deeply this time, she melted against the kiss. Her body pressing against his as if he was holding her up.Their thoughts getting lost within each other. A spark flying between them as they shared the kiss.She pulled away when she realised what she was doing, she was happily kissing her brothers best friend. "We shouldn't be doing this.. we can't be doing this"Allison stressed out. She adjusted her sweater. "You know we can't do this, Sirius."she repeated, more to herself than to him. "Tell me you didn't feel what i felt. Tell me?"Sirius asked in a serious tone of voice. "Does it matter?"She asked. "It does matter.. It matters how you just felt when i kissed you, Allie. That matters"He said looking down at her. "I felt seen. It felt good"she told him with a soft expression on her face. "Those are just feelings. I can't do this.. You don't actually want me, i won't be another girl to check off your list.It's just about the chase.This .. This is wrong. He will never forgive you"she shook her head. "Do you seriously think i'm using you to click off a box?"he said, looking offended. "You are way more than that."he sighed, feeling hurt by the way she saw him. "I'm not going to be one of your girls Sirius. You know, we can't do this to him"she said before walking away quickly down the hallway. She didn't want Sirius to risk his friendship with her brother over a few mind blowing kisses. She knew about the pact the marauders had made with each other.She wasn't worth that, right?

Hey! Thanks for choosing my story. Can't wait for you all to find out more. Remember to vote and comment if you like the story :)

(word count: 1224)

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