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act 1: part 3| Eyes don't lie


ALLISON POTTER had eyes on her from the minute she walked into the great hall. The summer glow up was in affect. We're people that shocked about someone growing up? She walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. The marauders following behind her looking like lost puppies. "People can't give enough of how hot we are. Summer doesn't change nothing"James said in his usual cocky manner. Remus snorted. "Don't be dense."Peter shook his head. "They weren't staring at you. They are staring at your darling sister"Remus pointed out the obvious as the boys around them couldn't stop looking towards Allison. "Why would they be staring at me?"Allison laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "You changed over the summer."
Sirius stated.Peter nodded. "You somehow got better looking"He whispered, Allison had heard his words and smiled to herself.

Sometimes they innocently flirted with each other, both knowing it didn't mean anything. Although was that case this time? Allison just chuckled in response. Their conversation getting cut short due to Dumbledores yearly announcement, he never changed his speech. Some mumble about this being everyone's year and to study hard, the same old story. They all patiently waited for them to go through the new students and ate dinner, some waited more patiently than others.

As they all approached the common room after dinner , Allison watched as James and the rest of the boys gave death stares out towards other people in the corridors.She rolled her eyes. "Can't you call your dogs off, Potter!"Malfoy chuckled towards the group. "I'll let them bite you if you aren't carefully"she spat back. He was referring the the boys as animals, because when it came to Allison they would attack like wild dogs sometimes. They entered the common room of the Gryffindor house. "You guys can't act like that all semester. I'll never get a boyfriend when you all look like your bite if they come to close"she said, pointing her finger at them. James chuckled. "A boyfriend? Good luck getting someone to ask you out first"he teased. "No one wants to date me because of you four.. with the looks and the threats. It ends this year"she said in a dead serious tone of voice. Remus nodded, and then apologised if he had any part in what had happened, Lupin was never involved. It was the sweetest out of all of them and the closest one to her. "Can't promise to be on my best behaviour. A reward system normally works the best for me"Sirius winked, before getting gently pushed in the shoulder. She flipped him the middle finger before walking up to her dorm. She was happy, the brunette girl got to share the dorm with her best friend. Hopefully, they could have some more girl time this year. The final year of Hogwarts was going to be different, she told herself.

"A rewards system? You are so gross sometimes.."James made a face towards his best friend and then he plopped down on the common room couch, he stretched his arms out. "Dangerous waters you are crossing"Peter whispered the tall seventeen year old. "No crossing. Swear"Sirius held up scouts honour and then chuckled to himself before joining James and Remus on the couches. Peter soon followed behind. They stayed up late, talking about pranks and plans for the first few weeks of school. Trying to do new things they haven't pulled before. Mcgonagall was going to have her hands full this year.

"You know they do it because they all care about you"Lily stated as she crawled into bed, pulling her sheets over her legs. Allison walked from the closet to her bed. "I know they do"she sighed. "I just.. wish. I just wish they cared in a different way. They always ruin everything when it comes to boys"she groaned and got under her covers. She adjusted her pillow then looked up at the ceiling. "Remember when they chased my date with Diggorys brother last year. I'm still embarrassed about that"she shook her head. "It will be different this year.. I got you"The red head told her best friend.

Hey lovelies! Sorry for being so inactive, Hope you like the story. (word count:727)

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