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act 1: part 1| the start


ALLISON POTTER never really cared about her status around school, she didn't care if she was liked or not although being very popular.She wasn't one of those people who let it change her personality to please someone else. Allison never considered herself unbelievably amazing as some of her fellow class mates did , she just thought she was an average girl living an average life and she loved it more than anything. She thought she was a typical witch with some kickass friends.Despite that fact, She knew who she was and was proud of it. She was one of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts and everyone secretly knew that, especially one gryffindor boy.

She spent her time at Hogwarts pretty much in the centre of all of it due to her brother being Gryffindor's Quidditch captain and golden boy. She never really understood how all the girls fancied him considering how  he was an annoying piece of work , who she loved dearly. Allison didn't really like the constant forefront attention she got but she couldn't do much about it.. i mean she was Allison Potter. She did like her life though , she was friends with the famous Maradures' Remus lupin , Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and of course her twin brother James Potter.

Although her simple and content life was about to became one crazy ride.

She never meant to arrive at the train station late, she blamed her lovely brother for not being 100% ready like he said he was. She rushed around looking for her best friend who also happened to be the girl her twin brother had being in love with for over for the last six years,she didn't return the feelings or not yet at least.

"Allison Potter!" a ginger haired girl yelled as she ran towards the Potter twins. Allison looked up from the book in her hands and saw that the girl yelling like a fool was her best friend Lily Evans. She smiled as the girl pulled her into a hug.

"Lily Evans!"She giggled ,hugging her back. James stood there frozen for a moment taking in Lily's beauty. Lily could feel his eyes burning into the back of her scalp.

"Stop staring James.. I can feel your eyes burning into the back of my bloody head" Lily laughed, letting go of Allison and turning around to face him. James quickly snapped out of his thoughts blushing at her and simply smiled in return.

As the three Gryffindor's boarded the train, Lily went to go see her childhood best friend Severus Snape. In Allison's opinion he was a sarcastic, controlling little slytherin brat who needed to shut his big mouth. She didn't like him one bit. The Potter twins said there goodbyes to Lily before walking down the hall looking for a spare compartment.

After a few minutes of searching they found the rest if the Maradures' sitting in there normal compartment all laughing.James entered first which soon lead with screaming and the followed with a group hug. Allison softly laughed to herself as she watched her friends squeeze the life out of her twin.

"HEY! Don't forgot about your favourite Potter" she teased as she walked into the compartmented and placed her bags down.The boys let go of James and all smiled at Allison. She had a glow up over the summer and grew into her woman body. She smiled back at them warmly.

Sirius was the first to walk over and give the girl a hug, squeezing her a little tightly. Remus then followed giving her a quick awkward hug as usual, Remus didn't really give 'girls' hugs and Peter just gave her a quick high-five because he didn't really like hugging.

They all sat down. Allison was in between Remus and Sirius, She rested her head on Sirius' shoulder and slowly closed her eyes. She drifted off into a deep sleep. Sirius sheepishly smiled and looked down at her.

"Don't even think about it Black.. Rule number 2 remember?" James said glaring at his best friend. Sirius' gulped looking away from Allison and then up to James who was staring down into his soul.

"Please..I remember" Sirius scoffed quickly looking at the window and zoning out of the rest of the train ride only adding in comments here and there.


hey! So that's the first part.Hope you liked it and give this story a chance. Give it a a vote if you think it is worthy and comment your thoughts about what your thinking.Thank you again for choosing to read my story! (762 words)

Lot's of love x

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