23 - Love hate

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*This one and a half month feels like such a nice long break. If I feel like it I would stay here forever"

Becky is walking down a white sand beach all by herself enjoying the sunrise

She would occasionally meet a local who would greet her "Good morning ma'am"

and lots and lots of dogs


"Hello aunty"

"Hello my dear, Good morning"

"Good morning aunty"

"How are you feeling? Still have morning sickness?"

"Sometimes, but I'm used to it. I'm at the beach"

"Aren't you always? Hah ha. I'm glad that your mind is at peace now"

"I know aunty. I miss you. But I think this alone time is doing so much good to me and my baby"

"Aww.. do you have a baby bump yet?"

"A very little one. More than a baby bump, it looks like I had a big breakfast"

"Hah ha. Jokes aside darling, are you eating well? Please don't skip any meals. If you miss Thai food I'll send some your way"

'Yes please aunty. The food is great here, but I miss Thai food so much"

"Alright dear, I'll send you lots of Thai food and snacks soon"

"Okay aunty, thanks for checking up on me"

"Anytime dear, I wish all the good health for both my niece and my grandchild"

"Thank you aunty, I wish you good health as well"

"Bye dear"

Becky hung up and looked at the crystal clear ocean water which shades from white to dark blue as it reached the horizon


"Baby, can you see this beautiful ocean? The sky is so pretty, and there are so many dogs that you can play with"

Becky smiled with teary eyes and sighed

She heard some footsteps

They approached her

Becky realized that more than one person was walking towards her and she opened her eves and turned around

But Becky was too late

Two people grabbed her shoulders while a third person blindfolded her

"Aahhhh.... HELP..... HELP..."

Becky's mouth was quickly stuffed with a cloth ball so she can't scream for help anymore

"Boss will be so happy"

"Get ready for a promotion"

"Stay still woman"

The three men are carrying Becky

Becky is helpless, her eyes are closed, hands and legs are tied and there is a cloth ball inside her mouth

"I'm being kidnapped.. I'm being kidnapped..
my baby... will they hurt my baby?... who is their boss?.. who are these men?...

Becky's face is covered in tears

The men have such a strong grip that she can't move a finger

She finally became tired and gave up

*Whoa whoa whoa whoa"


*dom *thump *bang

Becky fell on the beach and she can hear people fighting

FreenBecky - An erotica - A vampire love storyWhere stories live. Discover now