02 - Another chaotic morning

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Becky woke up by splashing her white liquids and screaming with pleasure.

Her naked body was covered with a blanket and there is a basket ball like thing close to her center going up and down.

"Yes baby.... Yes yes yes..... haaaa.... I'm haaaaaaa... Cominggggg...."

It was the second time

"Happy anniversary baby"

A face crawled out from the blanket and landed on Becky's breast

"Good morning and happy anniversary to my good husband"

Becky smiled and kissed Nop

"But you better stop or otherwise I won't be able to walk in my office today. I'm still recovering from last night you know"

"Baby you don't have to work. I'm literally one of the biggest people in hotel business. Make a wish and I shall give you anything. Stay here and make. Baby for me"

Becky's facial expressions changed.

It's not that she didn't want a baby.

She is waiting for the right time

"It's not the right time yet"

"What do you mean? When is the right time coming? I've been wanting a baby since we were married you know"

"Yes Nop. I know. Me too. But again, I don't feel like it's the right time yet. So please stop asking for babies when I clearly ask you to wait"

"Becky come on baby. What are you waiting for? We have money. We have love. We have a big house. But it's so empty"

"It's not empty. We have BonBon"

"Yes, for you. BonBon never got along with me.
That dog hates me"

"BonBon doesn't hate you Nop. Maybe you should try to spend some time with him. Get to know him"

"Becky I'm so busy. It's not easy to have free time like this, even to spend with you. Are you asking me to spend the little free time I have with a dog?"

"If you can't spare time our dog, how can I expect you to make time for our baby? Are you asking me to quit my job and be a stay at home wife?"

"I will make time for our baby. Don't compare a baby to a dog Becky. That's not nice. And besides why can't you be a stay at home wife?
All our friends have stay at home wives. You can spend time with them, go shopping whenever you want and be free"

"Nop, stop. I don't want to talk with you anymore"

"Bec come on. It's our anniversary"

"I don't care"

"So what? Are you not going to talk with me the whole day?"

"Yes starting from now"

"Okay fine. I'll cancel our dinner reservations then. And I'll just go and celebrate by myself.
I'm going to Melbourne with my friends now"

"Весса....Can you hear me?"

"Fine. It's settled then. See you in three days.
Urghhhh....... You are so stubborn Rebecca


Becky is on the way to office.

Her personal driver Chin is looking at Becky through mirror.

Sunrays fall on her face and her skin glows like gold.

But her eyes look sad.

She is not smiling as usual.

Chin sense that something is wrong

"Kuhn Bec, you look sad today"


"Kuhn Bec? Madam?"


"Are you okay Kuhn Bec? You look sad today.
Isn't it your anniversary?"

"It's nothing Chin"

Becky smiles gently.

Chin understood that right now what Becky needs is comfortable silence.

So he nodded and let her be


Becky walked into the law firm.

She looks like a confident boss lady in her blue blazer, black turtleneck, half thigh high black tight skirt and pointy black high heels.

Her hair bounced like ocean waves along to her walking rhythm.

Her walk makes people turn their necks, drop their files and spill their tea.

All the bovs want her, all the girls want to be like her

As she was walking to her office room she saw a girl crying and a few others gathered around her trying to calm her down

"Tasha, what's wrong girl?"

As Becky walked towards her everyone walked to the side to make her way

"Kuhn Becky, she was fired by the 'Monster lady'"

"Monster lady? Again? What's wrong with her?
Tasha, are you okay darling? Please go and have some food and take the day off. Yah, please help Tasha"

As Becky was one of the most senior lawvers in the law firm at a very young age everybody listens to her.

Even her boss adores her

"Thank you Kuhn Becky"

Tasha said sobbing and walked away with Yah
Becky went to her boss's office

"Kuhn Aroon, please excuse me. I think we should cut ties with the 'monster lady'. She treats our lawvers very badly"

"Yes Becky, I heard what happened to Tasha.
But you know that she is one of the most powerful women here in Thailand. She can easily destroy our whole firm"

"Fine then. Who is going to replace Tasha?"

"I thought that I'll send Yah"

"Not Yah. I will go. Let's see how she works with me"

"Kuhn Becky, she is not an easy person"

"Yes I know Kuhn Aroon. But I'm not an easy person too. I think I can handle her"

"Fine Kuhn Becky. She is all yours. But be careful"

*Thank you Kuhn Aroon. Don't worry, I will make her beg on her knees if she crosses the line"

"Hah ha. Somehow I have a strangely confident feeling that you will Becky"

Becky is happy to have a challenge.

She went and studied all about the 'Monster lady.

Little did she know that 'Monster lady' is really a monster.

Becky didn't know that it wasn't just a nickname.

She is going to handle a real monster, well actually a Silver Vampire.


She happily goes home and sees a beautiful candlelit dinner table in the middle of the living room.

The pathway was decorated with rose petals and Nop was standing with a big bouquet of roses and puppy eyes

"Becky I'm sorry. Please have dinner with me"

Becky ran towards Nop and jumped into his

"Eat me"

Nop immediately threw the flower bouquet and
carried Becky to their room


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