The beach house

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( Dokata pov) My older brother Jesse has been best friends with the Carter Brothers since kindergarten. Jesse and Noah are the oldest both twenty two years old and in college part time. A couple of years ago we lost my mom to cancer, Noah wasn't the same after that. But he has guardianship over me until I turn twenty. We used live next door to Noah and his brothers until one Noah's dad herd my dad beating on Jesse for protecting me and mom from his drunk ass. Noah's father Charlie threw my father out of our house that night , the next thing I knew the police took my dad away we never saw him again. After mom decided too move away from Colorado, I was five years old when we moved my brother was twelve. No matter what happened Jesse was always there for me, it was my sixteenth birthday party Noah and his brothers managed to come down for my party and too visit. My brother was on cake duty but he was late. Noah's brothers Zach and Blake sat next to me smiling at me Zach placed his hand on my shoulder " don't worry he is probably caught up in traffic Dokata " I nod at him sighing heavily " this isn't like him to not pick up his phone I'm worried about him" I say to them looking concerned  Noah sighs looking at me " Zach , you come with me Blake stay with Kat" Kat was my nick name they gave me growing up saying my full name took too much effort so one day at school Zach started calling me Kat it stuck like glue , Blake smirked at me " truth or dare?" He says looking at me smiling brightly Dare!" I say smirking at him " I dare you Kat too kiss me or one my brothers " he says smirking at me his baby blue eyes making direct eye contact with mine " okay!" I say grinning at him nervously seeing as he was the only one there I stood up half way leaning over the table pulling Blake in for a kiss he didn't try to stop me infact he continued passionatly running his fingers threw my hair and cupping my chin. As we both got startled hearing Noah's voice yell his name " Blake! Now isn't the time!" Noah says looking at him angirly wipping his eyes I stand up looking at him as Zach stands there crying " what's going on where's Jesse?" I ask concerned an officer steps in the room looking at me sighing heavily " Dokata, I'm really sorry we found your brother dead in the bathtub today he took his own life. I'm sorry " I drop to my knees crying as I try to breathe " Jesse!" I shout crying Noah scoops me up as he has tears in his eyes. " let's get you home too rest" he says they place me in the car and when I wake up I'm at the beach house I raise my eyebrow at Zach confused " why am I here?!" I say to him angirly " your brother left guardianship to Noah." I glare at Noah " No fucking way! Take me home now!" I scream at him fustratedly. Noah throws me over his broad shoulder and carries me inside I was too tired to fight him off. He places me on the sofa and hands me a blanket. " Blake will get your food ready and Zach will make up your room while you sleep , get some rest" he says even though I had lost every one I still had the Carter Brothers looking out for me.

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