3 - boatwreckers - angst

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This is Seth189 idea c:

Bdubs and Impulse had the most healthiest and wholesome relationship in Double Life, that's for sure. Were they the same towards other soulbounds? No.

Bdubs and Impulse want to be the best couple, no one else. Why? They're not so sure themselves, but they sure were competitive.

The Homewreckers already ruined Pearl and Scott, Cleo and Martyn, getting a double kill on Scar/Grian and Big B/Ren, and burning down the Ranch, letting Jimmy and Tango's hopes down.

All that's left now is the infamous Boat Boys.

Joel's POV - 3rd person

Joel woke up, yawning then realizing Etho wasn't next to him, probably making breakfast.

Joel tiredly walked out of their room, then sat on the kitchen island, Etho having 2 plates in his hand. "Good morning, boat boy," Etho said, Joel basically seeing a smile under his mask.

"Good morning," Joel smiled sweetly, hugging him and pecking him on the lips. Etho set down his breakfast in front of him, sitting beside Joel. Joel quickly devoured the food.

"Mm! This is so good Etho! You're so good at cooking!" Joel said, mouth full from stuffing food in it. "Thanks Joel, but I'm really not a good cook, you just suck," Etho laughed.

"No I don't! You're just really good!" Joel argued, earning a smug look from Etho. "Joel, you nearly burnt down the Relation," Etho replied, chuckling. Joel remained quiet, grumbling to himself.

After they were both ready for the day, they went out the front dock, then down to the floor, where Joel's beautiful ship and home stood in front of them.

"I'm gonna go mining and try getting us some diamonds," Etho said, gathering materials in a chest while Joel nodded. Etho kissed Joel's forehead, then greeted him bye. Joel waved back to him.

The day was quite boring without Etho.

It was sunset, and Etho still hasn't arrived quite yet. He's been in the mines the whole day, he better have a stack of diamonds, Joel thought jokingly, but was very suspicious of how long Etho was gone, but he trusted Etho, so he shrugged the thought off.

Joel then saw 2 figures off in the distance, approaching him. Joel looked at them from the dock.

"Ahoy! What brings you here to the Relation?" Joel asked, mocking a pirate's accent, but failing because of his own.

"Hello, Joel! We have something to tell you," Impulse half-yelled, making sure Joel heard him. Joel can see him more clearly with Bdubs now.

Curious, Joel quickly climbed down his ship, standing in front of the married couple.

"Is there something wrong?" Joel asked carefully; he knew what Impulse and Bdubs did to the others, he had to be very cautious.

"Yes, actually..," Bdubs sighed, Joel feeling mildly uncomfortable. "Earlier today, Etho was with me. He was.. flirting with me. Trying to get us back together, trying to kiss me, but of course I said no, for your sake and mine," Bdubs said quietly, Impulse holding his hand.

Joel was shocked. No, Joel, they're lying, you know how they are. This is just some sick joke that they made, Joel thought, cussing himself out, but he couldn't help but think about this being true.

It is a convincing thing to believe, maybe this is why Etho was gone the whole day; Etho also had a hard time moving on from Bdubs so it made sense.

But Etho wouldn't do that. Right?

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