[38] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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 She was right. Tom, Landon, Kyle...they had all let me into their circle. They had all accepted me, made me feel loved again. Thing would be alright. I would find out what was up with James. We would become friends. I would sort out my complicated emotions.

Things were finally almost back to normal.

.:Story Start:.

The next day, I got myself up and ready for school, etc, etc with a sense of foreboding. Tonight was my first band practise in a few months and I was terrified; what if the song they prepared for me was too difficult and I couldn't do it? What if I let everyone down? They would surely go back to hating me.

Then I reflected that James already hated me. I scowled at the mirror in the hallway as I waited for my dad to come down the stairs so he could take me to school. Why couldn't he just accept that I was part of their group now?

Sighing, I shook my head and led the way out of the door as dad appeared. He unlocked his car and we got in, before he started the engine and we pulled out and were away. We had a short conversation on the way, but we were there within five minutes so it was cut short. I bade him goodbye and got out of the car, smiling as Lily waved cheerfully at me.

I entered the school gates and went into the playground, walking towards my new friends rather excitedly. Lily burst into speech, predictably, while I just smiled and nodded, not really listening, my mind still far away, on tonight.

The bell cut off Lily's rambling speech and I walked with Tom and James to form. Tom seemed just as confused as I was as to why James didn't talk to me, and he tried to get us to talk, but James continued with his cold, hard, exterior.

Form passed by in a blur, as did most of the day. I was too busy worrying about tonight, and what would happen between me and James. Would he continue to not talk? Would I muck up and he would be angry with me?

So many things could go wrong tonight.

Fifth lesson I shared with James, Nicola, and a couple of other people in the group. Halfway through the lesson we were told to discuss something or other with someone, and I went with some dude sitting behind me. Nicola and James worked together, and started flirting with each other, touching each other.

I scowled. James really needed to ditch her. She was a bitch, a slut and evil...what did he see in her? Jealousy frothed, sloshed and bubbled in my stomach as I glared at her, wishing I could be that close to James. I then growled and shook my head. Not this again.

Last lesson I also shared with James, Nicola, Kyle and Lily. James and Nicola sat beside each other in the row next to me, which I found extremely irritating. My thoughts would always be distracted by the fierce jealousy I felt whenever I thought of Nicola with James. Would he ever see sense?


That afternoon, I practised my guitar for about an hour before grabbing a banana and eating it about five minutes before I left. My dad came downstairs and smiled at me.

"Ready?" he asked with a smile, and I nodded before picking up my guitar, putting on some converse and leaving with dad.

When we arrived, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I hadn't been here in months, and yet when Mrs Black opened the door, I once again felt at home. I greeted her and James' various siblings before saying goodbye to dad and heading down into the funky coloured basement.

Landon was randomly bashing his drums and head banging while Kyle, Tom and James laughed at him and with each other. They all seemed to be having so much fun, I almost felt out of place, before remembering that they were my friends too.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now