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Queen Consolidated

Jayden ran into the science division looking at the damaged facility. Papers were thrown and glass was shattered with a trail of blood raising concern. "Gwen!" He called running to her as she wiped some tears from her eyes. "Jay- it was that copycat assassin that attacked during Christmas. He came and took Peter."

"Do you know why he would take Pete?" Jayden asked, watching as the police showed up and started to take statements. "You and I know that Pete was close to Dr. Connors, so my guess is that they are looking for his research." The young Lance sibling stood worried knowing what the duo was capable of.

'If it's not one thing it's another.' He thought as Jayden hugged his friend attempting to reassure her before her father came and took her home. Before the young Lance sibling left however he quickly took out a flash drive and stealthily grabbed some files. Jayden's phone vibrated as he was suiting up on a random rooftop. "Jay, you need to come by." Diggle's voice sighed as the young Lance sibling took off.

Base Of Operations

"Laurel could have been hurt, or worse." Oliver snapped as Jayden entered the room and hooking up the flash drive. "And I suppose that was Lance's fault." Diggle sighed as the two began to argue. "We shouldn't have involved her Ollie." Jayden said trying to keep his cool while sifting through the information as quickly as possible.

"You don't really see straight when it comes to Laurel. Or your mother." Diggle tagged in earning a growl from Oliver. "I'm just telling you now rather than later. I'll be driving your mother around for a few days." Diggle said, making Oliver even angrier. "You're spying on her now?!" "Just doing my due diligence, Oliver. See if she meets with anyone we might be interested in." Diggle said.

"She's not a suspect, stop treating her like one! She's my mother." Diggle continued. "He has a point Ollie, we know something is going on in the city. Speaking of which, I gotta go track down one of my best friends who got kidnapped." Jayden disconnected the flash drive and walking over to his little workstation and placing some things into his belt.

Starling City Sewers

The Arachnid crawled on the ceiling while looking down at his phone following a signal that he received while working on a potential way to track Connors. He had no idea if his calculations were right, but he had to go off of something. The further the young vigilante went the more he knew he had to make some headway.

Some rustling caught Jayden's attention as he jumped down from the ceiling. "You know Doc tracking you down hasn't been the easiest thing in the world, but thanks to Peter Parker I finally figured it out." The Arachnid continued walking as his mind buzzed before he had to backflip out of the way of a tail smack.

Jayden quickly readied himself as the lizard leaped out from the darkness forcing the young vigilante to dodge out of the way. When getting a closer look Jayden noticed that Connors was larger than when he last saw him with more animalistic features, notably the glowing eyes that sent daggers.

'Okay so either he's been door dashing down here or whatever Connors did is still evolving.' The Arachnid thought as he tried to wrap up Connors in webs only for the reptile to slash away at the restraints with ease. "Alright plan B it is." Jayden kicked off the wall landing a punch that stunned Connors before he tried to throw another, but the lizard was quick grabbing onto his fist and squeezing.

"Oh my Doc, what a strong grip you have." He cracked shooting webs into Connors' eyes before kicking him square in the chest. The Arachnid knew he couldn't stop so he pulled his fist back and delivered a thunderous punch to Connors' head causing the lizard to stumble back in pain.

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