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In a forest a young man is seen running through the brush attempting to get away from something. The young man had came to a stop before noticing a pillar of smoke in the sky coming from a clearing up ahead. "The signal." He thought as his eyes came upon a pit a few feet in front of him. A single branch connected two trees over the pit as the young man braced himself. Either stay and die a boring death or risk it all on a stunt that might get him free from this hell hole.

        Taking a few steps back he allowed his mind to focus as he ran and leaped into the air preparing to grab onto the branch. He narrowly made contact with the limb and flipped making a successful landing on the other side. He then darted through the remainder of the forest making his way onto the beach as he spotted a hooded male with a bow in his hand.

        "Oliver!!" The young man rushed forward embracing the larger male who paused before returning the act of kindness. "Jayden." Soon a group of native fishermen made their way onto the shore retrieving the pair. "The name of the island they found us on was Lian Yu. It's mandarin for "purgatory". We've been stranded here for 5 years, dreaming of our rescue every cold black night since then. For 5 years, I have had only one thought, one goal.. survive.." Oliver proceeded to remove his hood revealing his unkept face.

        "The island held many dangers. To live, we had to make more out of ourselves than what we were, to forge one another into weapons. My name is Oliver Queen and with the help of Jayden Lance we are returning home to bring justice to those who have poisoned our city."

Starling City Hospital

        Jayden was getting checked out by a doctor while Oliver was now shaved and stared out the window emotionlessly. Another doctor met with Moira Queen, Oliver's mother outside the room to discuss the duo's condition. "20% of both of their bodies are covered in scar tissue. For Oliver second-degree burns on his back and arms. As for Jayden he simply has wrist and hand laceration. X-rays show at least 13 fractures that never properly healed for either.

        After a few minutes a man in a police officer uniform ran into the room as Moira glanced in his direction. "Is it really him?" The man asked with tears forming  in his eyes eyes as Moira could only nod before Quentin Lance approached his son who turned and smiled dressed in a blue and black flannel and jeans. "Hey dad." "Jay." The two embraced while Quentin shook with happiness. The father-son pair broke off for a moment before the survivor duo  shared a look and nod.

        After the Queen family exited the room Jayden was soon checked out of the hospital and rode down the streets of their city. Quentin had gave his son a basic rundown of everything had happened in the city during the past 5 years leaving out pieces of information that Jayden would question later. "Dad I need you to take me to Laurel." Jayden said as Quentin glanced at the young man who had a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.

        After ruffling his son's hair the father-son duo continued to drive around the city before finally arriving at the CNRI office. "Thanks dad I'll talk to you later." The young man smiled as he gave his father another hug and entered into the building. The office was covered head to toe in desk and chatter while one woman in particular caught Jayden's eye. His heart pounded in his chest with every step as the woman turned revealing her long brunette hair.

        She dropped the the mug in her hand as her body shook while her gaze focused on the young man in front of her. Jayden's seagreen eyes met her gaze as tears began to form in the eyes of each of the siblings. Without hesitation the young man rushed forward embracing the older woman holding her tight as she returned the jester. "This feels so real." Laurel sobbed as Jayden held her close as he whispered, "I'm home Laurel I'm really home." The two shared the silent moment before they broke away.

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