Honor Thy Father

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The day Jayden and Oliver went missing... was the day they died. Five years in hell forged them into weapons, which they use to honor a vow they made to Oliver's father, who sacrificed his life for theirs. In his final moments, he told them the truth... that the Queen family's wealth had been built on the suffering of others. That he failed their city, and that it was up to them to save it and right his wrongs. But to do that without endangering the people closest to them, Jayden and Oliver have to be someone else. They have to be something else.


        The Spider and Arrow were standing on the roof of a building as a group of four men began to run towards them. Their target was Marcus Redman who was being guarded or well was. Oliver took out two of the men with ease while Jayden webbed up another guard's feet before delivering a knockout punch to the jaw. "Who are these guys?" Marcus cowered behind his men while the duo got closer and closer mowing through the opposing forces.

        "Whoa, whoa, whoa!. Please, wait, wait!" He cried as Jayden shoved him off the building as he shot a webline that attached to the man's chest. Marcus was screaming at this point dangling above the city as Oliver raised his bow and pointed an arrow directly at the man's eye. "Marcus Redman, you have failed this city." Jayden said gripping onto the web watching his prey squirm. "Please! No, please, no! Don't hurt me, please!"

        "Cellphone, inside pocket, call your partner. Tell him to give those pensioners back their money." Oliver commanded as Jayden pulled him back up, throwing him across the building. "Do it now!" Oliver said as the man pulled out his phone before the duo retreated into the night getting another step closer to cleaning up their city.

Queen Mansion Next Day

        Jayden had stayed the night at the Queen's to avoid any probing from his sister. He awoke before getting dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans with some white sneakers. The young man had walked in shortly after Oliver listening to the Newscaster," Over the past 15 years, Mr. Redman has withdrawn more than 30 million dollars from the plant's account. Mr. Redman claims refunding the Halycon pension plan has always been his intent. But sources say Redman was coerced by the vigilantes.''

        The television then switched to a sketch of The Spider and Arrow as Oliver extended his arm in disbelief. "These guys get more air-time than the Kardashians, right?" "Five years on an island and you still know who they are." Thea quipped as Jayden sheepishly grinned next to the older Queen sibling. "I've been catching up. It's nice to see how much our culture has improved while we were away."

        "No, the city used to be different. People used to feel safe." Moira chimed in as Thea was prepared with a retort," Oh, what's the matter, Mom? Afraid we're gonna be next?" "Do you have any questions about today, Oliver and Jayden? It's a simple proof-of-life declaration." Walter asked as he straightened his jacket as Moria rose from her seat.

        "Just read out a brief, prepared statement to the judge, and then your death-in-absentia judgment will be voided." Walter explained as Jayden simply nodded while moving over to Thea. "It's fine, Walter. I've been in a courtroom before." Oliver said as Tommy entered. "Four times by my estimate. You know, there was the DUI, the assault on that paparazzi douchebag, stealing that taxi, which was just awesome, by the way, and who could forget peeing on the cop?"

        "I sure don't." Jayden smirked, wrapping his left arm around Thea who shivered in remembrance. "I'd hang, but we're headed to court." Oliver told his best friend.  "I know, that's why I'm here. My best friend and little brother are getting legally resurrected, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

        "How about you Thea are you joining us as me and your bro get brought back from the dead ?" Jayden asked as Thea moved his arm from around her before giving him a soft smile. "I would but after the first four times with Oliver I think I'm done with court. But we'll catch up later?" Thea asked as Jayden kept his smiley composure, "Yeah of course." The younger Queen sibling soon left out of the room as Diggle then entered the room.

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