Lone Gunman

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        My name is Jayden Lance, I am the brother and son who just returned home after being lost at sea 5 years ago. They don't know I came back with a mission with my friend Oliver Queen, to bring justice to our city, and they never can. The men and women we've targeted are dangerous, corrupt, virulent cancer. Cancers like James Holder, whose corporation put defective smoke detectors in low-income housing in The Glades. There have been to many fires and funerals. Cancers can be fought and conquered, all it takes is a surgeon and the right instrument.

James Holder's Penthouse

"Heh. Other than the bill I got handed this morning by my legal team, I'm feeling pretty good. Plus, now that this lawsuit's been settled, we can focus our attention on Unidac Industries. Ok. I'll see you in the office first thing." Holder hung up the phone before he tossed his phone to the chairs beside him. He was preparing to take a sip from his drink as Oliver shot an arrow through the cup he was holding.

He quickly turned and saw The Arachnid standing behind him. "I have armed security inside. All I have to do is call out." Holder said as Jayden held a knife to his neck. "Go ahead. They can't hear you." Oliver said raising his bow with another arrow. "What the hell do you want?" Holder asked the duo as Jayden pressed the knife against his neck. "How many people died in those fires? How many?! The courts say you don't owe your victims anything. I disagree. James Holder..." Oliver began but was interrupted by a bullet flying and piercing Holder's chest.

The duo turned and aimed where the bullet came from before rolling to avoid some shots. Jayden held his left shoulder in pain noticing that the bullet that went through Holder was in him. The duo quickly made their way to escape noticing that the police were entering the scene to check out the gunshots.

Base Of Operations

"Didn't pass through so I'll have to get it out." Oliver said to Jayden who was sitting on the desk as the older Queen sibling removed the bullet and began the stitching process. "It's not a big surprise that James Holder has more than one enemy." Jayden said putting back on his shirt.

"But who?" Oliver asked crossing Holder's name off the list before relaxing in his chair for a moment. Jayden in the meantime was trying to balance himself on one hand before he stumbled and fell as Oliver quickly made his way to his friend. "The bullet. Poison." The younger man coughed staring at his partner with a dazed look.

Oliver ran to his wooden chest and dug through it pulling out an herb and giving it to Jayden who took it. After swallowing some water from a nearby water bottle the young man fell unconscious allowing the properties of the herb to take its course.

A Couple Hours Later

Jayden awoke with an alarm that went off taking in several breaths while looking around for Oliver. "You okay?" He asked earning a nod from the younger man. "I'm alright, but we need to go." Jayden said glancing at the clock earning a swear from Oliver.

Queen Manor

When the duo arrived at Oliver's home they saw a cop car in the drive way. They quickly went inside to meet Moira and Walter talking to two officers with Thea sitting on one of the couches and Diggle standing off to the side. "What happened? Thea okay?" Oliver asked Diggle who turned to them. "The cops brought her home. Her and some of her friends broke into a store, tried on some dresses last night. Lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree. So how was your evening, sirs." Diggle answered.

"You mean after we said we had to go to the bathroom at dinner and never came back?" Jayden winced earning a look from Diggle. "I guess from now on I'll be watching you two pee." Diggle told them as Oliver and Diggle stared at each other for a moment before Oliver moved past him into the living room.

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