Chapter 3: Fox spirit

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Yuna paused for a moment, then she nodded, "Yeah..." Hikari closed his eyes and turned to look at her, his violet eyes seemed to be staring into her soul, "Fine...if you want to know about me, then come to my place today, you will know everything..."Yuna grinned, "Mhm!"

When school ended, Yuna told Ruby that she will be going to Hikari's place, Ruby giggled, "Oh? You are going to his place now...interesting, alright, have fun there~" Yuna saw Hikari standing by the school gate, "Let's go."

Turns out that Hikari also lives in Aister neighbourhood, "Oh, you live in Aister as well?"Hikari nodded, "Yeah." Yuna smiled, "I also live here, no wonder you can reach my place." Hikari's house is a two storey house with a nice little garden with a pond, Yuna looked around, admiring the scenery, "Your house is very nice." Hikari replied expressionlessly , "Thanks for the compliment."

When they reached the front door, Hikari warned, "Whatever you not reveal it to anyone." Yuna gulped, "Alright..." Hikari slowly opened the door, Yuna peeked inside but everything looked very normal. The two of them walked inside, and suddenly, Yuna saw a white fox hopping around in the living room, "You have a fox as a pet?"

Hikari frowned, "You can see it?" Yuna nodded, "Mhm, isn't it normal?" Hikari shook his head, "That's Xenon, a fox spirit that I have tamed." Xenon saw Hikari, she transformed into her human form, she is wearing a white kimono, her eyes are with a bright scarlet shade, she has fox ears and a white tail coming from her back, she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, "Master! You are back!" Yuna was amazed, "This is the first time I have seen a fox spirit..."

Xenon walked towards Yuna, she looked and observed her, even taking a sniff of her, "Who is this?" Hikari introduced her, "This is Yuna, my classmate." Xenon then greeted her, "Hello, my name is Xenon, a fox spirit that Hikari tamed, Master has never brought guests home before." Hikari sighed, "Giant fur ball, she just wants to know about what I do."

Yuna looked at Hikari, "So you are an exorcist?" Xenon boasted, "Not just any exorcist but the descendant of the strongest exorcist!" Hikari flicked Xenon's forehead, "You don't have to say that, my great grandfather was the strongest exorcist, his name was Enzo Kurai, he helped to exorcise many dangerous spirits that harmed the mortals in the past. He passed down his powers to his generations, including me."

Xenon placed a hand on Hikari's shoulder, "Mhm mhm...his powers are strong enough to even tame one of the strongest spirits like me." Yuna was curious, "Oh? How exactly?" Xenon then explained how Hikari managed to tame her.

"It was a long time ago, I was hunting down humans for their blood as that is what I feed on, men's blood especially, then one day, Hikari saw me feeding on the blood of a man I caught, he decided to fight me."Xenon continued describing...

Many years ago:

Hikari was wandering through a forest and noticed a fox spirit sucking on the blood of a man, "No wonder I see so many dead men in this is all your doing." Xenon's fox ears flapped and turned around, "What? I am just feeding, got a problem with that?" Hikari sighed, "Well...I got a problem with that so might as well tame you since I am also looking for a spirit to tame." Xenon smirked, "Are you sure, if you lost, your blood shall be mine."

Hikari nodded, "I know I know." Xenon suddenly teleported behind Hikari, ready to slash him on the neck, Hikari quickly grabbed her claws and threw her aside, "Nice reaction..." Hikari smirked, "Just to let you know, I am an exorcist, dealing with a fox spirit like you is nothing."

Xenon licked her lips, "We will see about that." The fox then summoned a black katana, "Let my shadow katana do the work." Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark weapon, Oni Katana." His blue katana appeared in his hand, "Same goes for me" The two of them dashed towards one another, their blades clashed and pushed each other away. Xenon fired a scarlet beam at Hikari, he chanted, "Cursed dark arts, Soul Barrier." A blue magic circle appears and acts as a shield against Xenon's attack.

Suddenly, black flames appeared around Hikari, he quickly dashed out of the area, "Shadow flame..." Xenon laughed creepily, "Glad that you are smart enough to get out of there." Hikari smirked, "I am also smart enough to know how to counter you." He chanted, "Cursed dark summoning, Fenrir." A golden gate appeared and it opened up, a large black wolf crawled out and it howled under the moonlight, Xenon gulped, "Oh crap..."

The wolf then pounced onto Xenon, she quickly dodged its attacks, but the wolf continued to chase after the kitsune, "NYAAA! Stop chasing me!" Hikari called out, "Do you submit yourself to me?" Xenon immediately screamed, "YES YES I WILL!" Hikari snapped, the wolf then went back into the golden gate, Xenon was panting heavily, he then reached out his hand to her, "Well...shall we introduce ourselves?"

Xenon pouted and grabbed Hikari's hand, "My name is Xenon...the scarlet fox spirit." Hikari smiled, "My name is Enzo Hikari...the descendant of the strongest exorcist." Xenon rolled her eyes, "No wonder you can tame me..." Hikari tilted his head, "So...are you ready to form a pact with me?" Xenon sighed, "Fine..."

The two of them stood facing each other, Hikari began the ritual, "Cursed dark arts, Spirit Pact." A large white magic circle appeared below them, Xenon closed her eyes, Hikari started chanting, "Xenon...the scarlet fox spirit, you are hereby tamed by exorcist, Enzo Hikari, my orders are for you to follow, we are in charge of each other's safety and wellbeing, a pact between us shall be formed..."

Violet light beams shone over Hikari and Xenon, a symbol of an exorcist talisman appeared in Xenon's right palm, she kneeled down, "You are now my master, please take good care of me." Hikari then held Xenon up, "Hope we can get along, Xenon."

Back to current time:

Yuna was amazed at Hikari and Xenon's encounter, " this is how you tamed a spirit." Hikari sighed, "However...this particular spirit doesn't like staying in the spirit realm unlike other spirits so I have to let her out and roam around." Xenon pouted, "It is boring inside the spirit realm..." Hikari side-eyed her, "You will not go hungry inside the spirit realm, if you are outside, you will require blood to feed on, I will have to go and get livestocks to feed you."

Xenon's fox ears drooped down, "But even with that I am still hungry..." Hikari rolled his eyes, "Hence...I even have to go to the hospital to steal some blood bags for this fox..." Xenon pouted, "Maybe you can help me find someone that I can specifically feed on, probably a handsome guy or something." Hikari rolled his eyes, "I will feel bad for whoever that guy is..."

Yuna giggled, "Guess taking care of a spirit is not easy." Hikari shook his head, "It is just this one particular fox...I even have to bring out other spirits if she doesn't obey me." Xenon gave Hikari a peace sign, "Hehe, I am just a playful fox."

Hikari then looked at Yuna, his violet eyes narrowed, "But I don't think this is what you came for right?" Yuna nodded, "I want to know more about what you do." Hikari led Yuna up to a staircase leading to the second floor, the whole atmosphere turned serious,"This is where things get a little more spiritual, better prepare yourself..." Yuna gulped, wondering what was in store for her...

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