The Beginning of Class-D: A New Journey

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𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐮𝐣𝐢'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"like I said, I'll be leading Class-D from now on."

"I will make sure that this class can become successful, no matter what difficulties or obstacles come our way."

Even though I suspected that this class wouldn't approve, it was still crucial for me to establish my position before anything unexpected happens and affects this class.

"Huh who the hell elected you for leadership?!?"

a red-haired guy, rose up from his seat, seeming angry and hostile. He was clearly not pleased with me being in charge.

"Yeah, tell him, Sudou," said a man of average height with short brown hair and red eyes, as he spoke up.

That was apparently the red-haired guy's name: Sudou.

"Calm down, guys, this is no time to fight," chimed in the blonde-haired and brown-eyed guy who spoke before.

It was the same one that silenced the girls earlier.

But this time, his words had no effect, as Sudou approached me and grasped my collar firmly in his hand.

"Don't think you can waltz in here and proclaim to be the leader out of nowhere, do you hear me?!"

The redheaded Sudou shouted at me with his grip on my collar becoming even more intense.

He clearly did not have any intention of giving me an inch, and was ready to fight if needed.

...I swiftly took his arm in my hand and gripped it forcefully, forcing him to hiss in pain from the pressure I put on him.

Taking the opportunity, I quickly kicked him in the groin area., causing him to fall to the ground and fold his own arm behind his back.

"Calm down, before I do something drastic," I said in my usual, composed tone, to him.

Everyone seemed to be in shock as I beat the supposedly tough delinquent with ease.

I twisted his arm a little for warning, then let him go. He got back up right away and tried to backhand me, but it didn't catch me off guard and I was able to dodge to the side and punch him in the gut.

He got on his knees, groaning in pain. I knew that there were cameras installed here, so I didn't want the fight to go on any longer.

"If you don't calm down now, you're going to face much more pain than you're currently in," I said calmly, maintaining my composure despite my opponent being on their knees and gasping in pain.

Thankfully, my opponent seemed to submit as he stood up on his own and exited the classroom, presumably making his way to the entrance ceremony.

My other classmates looked at me in shock, but I quickly reminded them that time was up and we should head to the entrance ceremony.


Even though people said this place was tough, the entrance ceremony was the same as any other school's. Some important people offered words of thanks, and the ceremony concluded without incident. although I could feel some of my classmates' burning stares at my back

"Yare yare", I thought to myself, as if muttering it to myself softly while my classmates were still shooting me their gazes.

It seems like I have become the center of attention here.

Although I knew it was just a result of my behavior, I felt like the eyes of everyone here were on me, and I could almost feel like I was being judged for my actions.

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