Chapter 12

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The next couple of days were pretty peaceful after that. The next day after the whole debacle, we all sat together for dinner.

"Guys," Billy said, standing up and putting his hand in the center, "All hands on deck."

I was impressed. Billy Batson had definitely grown on this family. And I think they all grew on him, too.

"Wait, wait, wait," Rosa laughed, running to stand next to Victor, putting her hand in.

"Thank you for this food. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this family. I thought maybe this time I'd stay," Billy said, making Victor chuckle happily, "I mean, after all, I'm home."

As we all took our hands away and began eating, Freddy leaned in close to me, whispering in my ear.

"Can we talk later?" He asked.

"Uhh, yeah? Sure?" I whispered back, confused.

Okay, so I wasn't really confused. I just didn't want him to know that.

Time to face the inevitable...

Later after dinner, Freddy and I headed up to his and Billy's bedroom.

After a moment, I turned to face him, "So... what'd you want to talk about?" I played dumb.

"You know what."

"I have absolutely no idea what you mean." Okay, maybe don't play that dumb, Jordyn.

Freddy paused before responding, "We can't avoid this forever."

"Says who?" I asked.

"Jordyn," Freddy whined.

"Freddy," I whined with the same tone.

"You and I-" He started.

"No," I interrupted.

"We were having an argument-"


"And out of an act of desperation-"

"You very rudely cut off what I was saying. So, now I'm doing the same thing to repay the favor," I paused before adding, "bitch."

"Jordyn! We have to talk about this! I mean, obviously I have some sort of feelings for you, and you hesitated when, that, happened, but then it happened again and you didn't hesitate and- why am I saying it like something else happened? I mean, that's not what I meant. Anyways, the second time it happened you didn't hesitate and I just got the feeling like you liked me back, but if you don't, I totally get it, I mean, we've been best friends for so long and I just don't want anything to ruin that and I feel like I have been going on for so long now, but I could just stop now, I think I'm just gonna stop talking and-"

"Are you done yet?" I said, stopping his rambling.

"I- I think so."

"Good," I said before kissing him. All of a sudden, we heard the creak of the door, and we pulled away. We turned to see Billy just kinda staring like a creep.

"Uhhh-" Billy said.

"Way to ruin the moment, Batson." I sassed. I could see Freddy in the mirror on the wall standing behind me a little, wildly flailing his arms pointing between the 2 of us, very pissed at Billy.

"Oh, sorry, I-I just- I didn't-"

"Get out." I told Billy, upset that our moment was ruined for a third time now, and all of them were conveniently ruined by him.

"Okay," he leaves awkwardly, causing Freddy and I to chuckle.

"Anyways-" I started, turning back towards Freddy, who kissed me until we ran out of air.

After a moment of gazing into my eyes, Freddy finally spoke, "I really, really, like you, Jordyn."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I mean, like I kinda knew, but knowing and having it 100% confirmed for you are 2 completely different feelings!

I finally answered after a moment, "I really, really, like you too, Freddy."

"So... would you... be my girlfriend?" He asked, nervously.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him as an answer.

After we pulled away, he looked so confused, "so is that a yes or...?"

I just smiled softly at him, "Don't be a dumbass."


"Don't say sorry."


"I swear to God, Freeman. Stop saying sorry. Now shut up and kiss me," I told him.

"Yes, ma'am," He said before kissing me.

I love it when he says that.


This was the best thing ever. Granted, I hated seeing Freddy getting bullied and sitting alone, but all that was about to change.

His siblings and I come to sit with him at his lunch table, knowing damn well none of us have this lunch. I had a subtle camera on him, the whole time.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked before smiling at me as I walked by him, kissing his cheek, and going to sit across the table from him.

"Well, we're having lunch with you," I replied.

"But you guys have different lunch periods."

"Well, we made a very special arrangement," Mary responded.

"Darla, what's going on?" Freddy asked. I made Darla promise not to tell him, so just like a couple weeks ago at dinner, she shoved food in her mouth before responding.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Come on, guys, what's going on?" Freddy asked again. He was really confused.

"Just shut up and enjoy it, hun," I told him. He just needs to accept the good that was coming for him.

"Freddy Freeman," Billy had yelled as he entered the cafeteria. Several students gasped at this, "This guy taught me everything I know about being a dope superhero. True story. You should get some pointers from him. What's going on, my best bud in the whole world? And also new kids that I'm meeting for the first time but seem very cool?" Billy had sat down next to Freddy, who had been chuckling the whole time.

"Uh..." Freddy laughed at the whole situation, looking at me and mouthing a subtle thank you. I mouthed back,

Just you wait.

"I invited another friend. I hope that's okay." Billy said once more.

Students gasped once again and began to murmur. Freddy was still looking at me, confused, then looking at Billy

Until he noticed Superman standing right beside him.



Hey sorry we dropped off the face of the earth. it's been a very long couple of weeks istg we did not die. We have more updates to come in the form of bonus chapters and bloopers as well as a second book. Stay tuned!


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