Chapter 4

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A couple of hours after that little encounter with Hell in human form, I got a little hungry. I didn't want to go downstairs and face her so I didn't have dinner. I decided to sneak out my window. I had done it so many times that I had a technique.

The roof is slightly slanted outside the window in my room, so I can get out. A big tree is right next to the roof in the backyard so I use it to climb down. A couple of years ago I managed to build a small ladder out of random pieces of wood so I could get back in.

I climbed into my backyard and headed down the street. I liked to take walks at night. It was calming and I wasn't trapped in a house with that psychopath. In a few minutes, I had managed to make it to the convenience store that was down the street from my house.

I walked in and waved to the cashier whom I would see all the time because of my frequent visits. I made my way to the back of the store where they kept the Gatorade. Fruit punch was my favorite flavor so I grabbed one. I continued down the aisle to the back corner where the chips were. Before I could grab my Frito bag I heard someone yelling from the front of the store.

"Everything from the register! Go, go! Now! Come on! We don't have any time. Let's go. Move! We want it all! Hurry." Usually, in this kind of situation, a smart person would stay and hide in the back of the store, but my dumbass decided to go and see what was happening. I walked into an aisle with a boy and a man in spandex with a cape. I heard the boy speak and I immediately knew it was Freddy.

"This is your chance." Why was he with this old man who looked like a Comic Con cosplayer, and what was he talking about?

"Oh! Okay."

I rushed behind him and whisper-yelled in his ear. "Freddy? What the hell are you doing here? And who the hell is that?"

"Jordyn!" His voice cracks. "Shit, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Getting sustenance!" I whisper-yelled back while holding up my snacks. "What the hell is going on?"

"Just- come on." He grabs my hand and drags me over to where the man in spandex is standing. The men robbing the cash register had their guns facing the cashier yelling demands in her face that I couldn't hear.

"Gentlemen, why use guns when we can handle this like real men," The spandex man said confidently. How stupid is this guy? The robbers turned to the man with their guns and aimed.

"Billy, look out," Freddy yells at the man. Wait, did I hear him correctly?

"Billy?" I yelled in confusion. And then they shot him. They had shot the man Freddy had called Billy. 'Billy' hunched over in pain as the bullet hit. My mouth had opened in shock. This was a lot to process. Billy had somehow become a man in a costume and had been shot. He then stood up as the bullet had landed on the ground.

"Bullet immunity. You have bullet immunity," Freddy cheered. Holy shit.

"I'm bulletproof," Billy laughed. What in the holy hell is happening?

I see Freddy out of the corner of my eye begin to take out his phone as he laughs. "Today is December 8th, and this is video proof of authenticity. Shoot him again."

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here, here. Go. Both of you! Come on. Go to town," Billy gave the robbers back their guns, and they looked really confused. I honestly couldn't blame them. I was confused as hell.

"Wait, wait, wait. We still don't know if the suit is bulletproof, or if you are," Freddy said, pausing for a moment before making his cute thinking face. Wait, did I just say cute? "Shoot him in the face."

"Shoot me in the face," Billy repeated confidently. I had my doubts.

"In the face?" I yelled, confused. The robbers then started to shoot him in the face after looking at each other confused, then shrugging as if to say 'what the hell'. I gawked at the sight before me. Was my new best friend getting shot in the face in the body of a 40-year-old man?

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