Fall of Shinganshina

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Arthur's current stress was through the roof. Just the thought of the poor kid being stuck in this mess made him accelerate faster and faster. Though something had caught his attention while making his way above the streets, a woman trapped and cornered in an alley. She was covering her mouthing order to stay quiet but to no avail, a titan found and grabbed her by the head lifting her up as she gave an ear pricing scream. For a moment Arthur forgot about his personal problems and remembered his job, he quickly made his way to the titan and after having it swipe at him a few times cut its nape. As it fell its grip on the woman loosened causing her to fall, before she hit the ground Arthur caught her and safely placed her on one of the nearby roofs.

Woman:thank you so much!

Arthur:its nothing, more of my people are on their way could you-

He tried to get away but she just couldn't let go of him. He could see the terror in her eyes, the desperation of not wanting him to leave.

Arthur:alright lets...shit. maybe we can...shit!!

He was incredibly frustrated, even looking around he saw the countless people that were getting devoured by the other titans.

Reina:looks like you're already keeping busy!

He turned to see Reina land next to him, blood covering her clothes and face.

Arthur:its a massacre.

Reina:no one could've seen this coming, take it easy.

He gestured to the woman.

Arthur:could you take her back? I don't wanna leave her on this roof but i've got to find Y/n.

Reina:theres a lot of carnage out there-


Reina:i'm just saying...don't get your hopes up.

His worry only grew the more he searched. Endless piles of bodies and pools of blood were the only thing that filled these streets. However, just as he was about to lose hope...

???:come now armin!

Armin:but they're still in there!

An old man was taking his grandson by the arm and dragging him to safety. Though the kid didn't seem too happy about it.

Armin:we can't just leave them!

Arthur:what are you two still doing out here?! It's not safe! 

???:we know sir, but-

Armin:that boy is still down there! He saved me from those bullies!

Arthur:what did this boy look like?

Armin:he had (hair color) hair and (eye color) eyes! Even had two other kids with him, one of em had red hair but the other was gigantic.

His eyes widened as he finally knew where y/m was.

Arthur:head down this street! There's a few angels still looking around they'll get you to safety.

???:what?! What about you?? Hey!

He didn't even answer him as he immediately took off.

                             |The Cadet|

Grace:get away!!!

You, Liam and Grace were desperately holding onto her mother who currently had her leg in a titans mouth. The titan itself had crashed through the roof and almost instantly snatched her up, luckily the three of you were fast enough to grab her but the titans strength was overwhelming.

Distant Hope (Attack on Titan x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now