Leaders and Maniacs

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Three months later...

Silence, peaceful sleep is something you cherished not matter what job you had. Have you just enough joy to get the next day over with-


You fumbled out of your bed and fell down straight onto the floor from your top bunk. You're almost certain you heard a crack of some sort but forced yourself to your knees. You then felt a hand grab your left arm and pull you up.

Erwin:come now l/n!

Y/n:pretty sure I broke my ribs...

Erwin:and I my shoulder! Quickly now before Hawkins hangs us both out to dry.

He throws you your cadet jacket, you quickly put it on while running out the door of your cabin. The rain in the morning was always the worst, mud and blood filled your boots as you kept pace with everyone else. What was supposed to be a nine mile run quickly turned into a fight for survival when Hawkins forced your group to run through an obstacle course. Though while going through the course you saw a few female instructors waking up the girls, forcing them to do practically the exact same thing. Only difference was a few of the instructors seemed to slap some of the girls on the back of the head as they ran out the door causing some to fall down.

Cadet:look like the girls are up!

Y/n:are the instructors even allowed to do that?

Erwin:who's going to stop them?

By the time the run was over most of you could hardly stand up. Again you couldn't help but notice that most of the girls in the group had noticeable bruises and cuts.

Arthur:the hell happened to you guys?

Female cadet:what didn't happen? Graves has lost her damn mind!

The girl that spoke up had long silver hair died into a bun along with bright blue eyes and an exhausted look on her face; She had to whisper that last part as to not get smoked by said officer. Another cadet then came up and bumped into her.


Wait, wasn't that-

Female cadet:watch it Zoe!

Graves:where is it?!

The same female officer seemed to be throwing a fit towards several other cadets. Sweating then for questions about-

Graves:my books! Half of those are worth more than your parents make in a year! Who took em?!

It was quiet, though in the silence you were able to see Zoe quickly making her way to the back of the ground while seemingly shoving something in her coat.

Y/n:gotta be kidding me...

Female cadet:I swear every time we get smoked it's cause of her! She even stole some of her papers last month!

Y/n:Hange? The top score girl?

Female cadet:scores ain't gonna matter with the thrashing she's about to get!

Before the cadet could call out to graves you grabbed her by the arm.

Y/n:you sell her out she'll just cause more trouble for you guys. We gotta do this quietly.

Female cadet:she doesn't deserve that!

Y/n:maybe not, but do you really want something like this to happen to you and your friends again?

Distant Hope (Attack on Titan x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now