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                           |THE ANGEL|


You all sat in the mess all just before dinner was going to be brought out.

Erwin:she wouldn't be foolish enough to take any of the bunks so it's no surprise we didn't find her there.

They all looked towards you and the handful of others that checked the back sheds.

Cadet:don't look at us!

Arthur:your sure she wasn't there?

Y/n:positive. Maybe she still heard one of us coming? Why are we even freaking out about this it's not like we won't just see her in a few minutes anyways. She's gotta eat.

Reina:she always hides the shit she stole by the time she rejoins the rest of the group. The spots for her stuff are way harder to find than where she likes to hide.

Erwin had been giving you a suspicious look the entire conversation. One that no one seemed to notice but you. Before you could confront him about it, instructor Hawkins entered the mess hall and ordered you all to start eating. It wasn't long before he Erwin sat down next to you and began his questioning.

Erwin:you've been fidgeting around ever since you came back.

Y/n:course I was. I'm nervous about what's gonna happen tomorrow.

Erwin:something tells me you're not worried about the cadets at all.


Erwin:not in a bad way, more so like you know something bugs about to happen.

You looked away and rubbed the back of your head.

Erwin:tell me you didn't let her go.

Y/n:don't know what you're talking about.

Erwin:if you keep trying to dodge my questions I'll have no choice but to tell the others.

You nodded, finishing up your food and standing up. Before you left the hall you spoke to him in a whisper.

Y/n:no one would believe you.

You gave him a small smirk before leaving, seeing a surprised look on his face for the first time. You assumed that Erwin took your statement seriously cause the rest of your night went surprisingly quiet. Though you knew for a fact that the rest of your week would be a massive pain in the ass.


One week later

For someone who could create such brilliant strategy Zoe sure was taking her sweet ass time. And Graves was only getting more and more brutal the longer this whole charade went on. Over thirty cadets had dropped out, even Hawkins had to calm her down a few times just to ease her wrath. Though for obvious reasons he seemed just as lost as the other officers were for why she was so upset. You now sat inside your bunkhouse along with your fellow exhausted cadets, you all had been though a lot of crap these past few months but this week made it all seem like child's play.

Arthur:i can't take it anymore man...

Y/n:YOU can't? I can barely feel my feet! our last run I genuinely thought that they were just gone!

Arthur:Reina said that I this kept up that she was gonna drop.

Y/n:she wouldn't do that.

Arthur:wouldnt blame her if she did, there ain't no other Corps that has to go through this shit.

Distant Hope (Attack on Titan x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now