One Last Test

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                            |THE ANGEL|

Three years later...

After a grueling three years of training by instructor Hawkins, you felt confident in your abilities to both fight titans and to get people to safety. Though you had to admit saving an injured person would be a bit awkward as due to the current ODM gear you would have to land, pick them up then take off again and hope a titan would grab you. It would've been more far convenient you were able to do it all in one swoop, but that would have to be planned for another time in the future.

For now, you were gonna make the best with what you had not letting anyone else's words get in your way. Over the next few years you gained a few more friends including a boy named Mike Zacharius, who was already a practical master with his ODM gear. Though his social skills could definitely be worked on, he had this nasty habit of sniffing people whenever he met them for the first time. You thought it was strange, but Erwin and Hange excused it as part of his natural character something that would help give him an edge.

Now, you were on your final test. A gauntlet of sorts that would be the ultimate test for your class.

Hawkins:your goal is to make it two miles east through the forest while simultaneously killing any titans we put up in your way.

Arthur:doesn't sound to bad.

Erwin:sir, how many targets should we be expecting?

Hawkins:it ranges from year to year, your group should expect no less than 30.

Y/n:oh come on!

Reina:sir with all due respect, it'll take more than half our gas to hit 30 targets. What if we run out before we reach the finish zone?

Hawkins:in that case I suggest you start running cadet Reina.

It was strange how Hawkins- hell most officers reverted to you all by your last names. You figured it was basic military etiquette, but Reina was always the exception. You figured that was a thought for another time as you regained your focus on Hawkins.

Hawkins:you have ten minutes to formulate a plan for yourself! After which you will proceed to the testing area when called.


Erwin was the first to go, then a handful of other cadets whom you hadn't really grown close to in these past few years. Afterwords it was Reina, then Arthur, before long with was just you Hange and Mike left. You all sat across from each other, you on a long log, Hange on a rock and Mike on a crate.

Y/n:I've got a bad feeling about this.

Mike:you'll need confidence if you want to have a hope of surviving this.

Hange:oh calm down Mitch it's not that serious.

Mike:isn't it? I've heard that this test determines who gets into the top ten of the scores are close. Even heard of a few broken limbs cause cadets tend to move to fast.

Y/n:I could care less about being in the top ten. And the three of us are probably smarter than most of the other cadets combined.

Mike:ah, that's right you wanted to be the scouts combat medic. Never asked how that's coming along?

Y/n:about a year in my parents realized I wasn't backing down from the scouts, so they started to send me books and some of their old research journals on human anatomy. I'm a practical surgeon nowadays.

Hange:alright I wouldn't go THAT far...

Y/n:hange and Erwin have definitely made for good practice too. You'd be shocked to see the situations they get themselves in.

Distant Hope (Attack on Titan x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now