Chapter 16

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"You ready for college? Let's have breakfast first." Tae said when he saw Copter was coming out from his room. He was taking the beef soup pot from the stove to the desk. It was one of Copter's favorite. Just smelling it makes Copter smile brightly.

"Wow! Beef soup." Copter take the seat excitedly while Tae was pouring the coffee for him and himself.

"Because I don't make dinner for you last night, so I thought to pay it back with this. Where were you going with that boy, Kimmon is it?" ask Tae while both of them start having their meal.

"Just brought him walked around the area. He was from the city, so, he wasn't really use to the outskirt city. But he was strange." Copter was pouting a little before continue eating his meal. Of course, Tae would thought that was cute.

"Who? Kimmon? Why?" He asked, curiously.

"Don't you see his car? It was quite luxury, but then he was desperate for a cheaper room when he was already living in the dorm. He looks rich, somehow. But I don't know...." Said Copter with his curious face but still focused on eating his meal. That was wayyyy too cute for Tae to handle. He couldn't stop watching the guy.

"P'Tae! P'Tae!" Copter was calling Tae when he didn't response to him just now.

"Uhh...hah, what?" Copter was sighing looking at Tae. P'Tae could be dense sometime.

"So, will you go to college with that luxury car?" Tae asked making Copter laugh. So, he heard it anyway.

"Yes, he said since I help him, so he will pay for it. Moreover, we are at the same class with the same schedule. So, he said I'm stuck with him." Copter said so casually while still enjoying his food. Somehow, Tae felt a little bit jealous to Kimmon who could be with Copter throughout his college time.

"P'Tae......" the sudden careful tone from Copter making Tae looking up at him right away. Tae was frowning when he saw the insecure expression at the same time cutely face, biting his own bottom lips, let Tae knew that Copter wanted to say something but he might be afraid he wouldn't like it. He wanted to laugh, because that was so ridiculous. There is no way he could getting angry at Copter. But with a straight face, looking at Copter, he asked.

"Hmm...what is it, Cop?" Copter was looking at him for a while before he could see the wall clock behind him.

"Oh, shoot! I'm late P'Tae. See you later." To that, Copter was fast standing up, while drinking his coffee in one gulp, taking his bag and running. Tae was just smiling watching him while shaking his head.


"What, now you both are living together?" A group of girls suddenly stop in front of Copter and Kimmon who were walking side-by-side heading to their class, when one of them asking that question. Seeing both of them coming together, with Kimmon declaration, of course they would think that way.

"Why, do I have to report to you everything I did? Especially with him?" Copter's answer shocking Kimmon and everyone who heard it. Seeing that the girl and others are speechless, Copter was walking ahead followed by smirking Kimmon, who had thought that grumpy Copter just look like a feisty kitten that was beyond cute. He shake his head while innocently walk passed all those girls who initially thought they would attack Copter but obviously failed.

Kimmon walk faster so that he could be beside Copter. "That was unexpected, but I like it. So, are we a real couple now?" Said Kimmon playfully, earning him a slap on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna die?" Said Copter and keeps on walking heading to his class, while Kimmon would laugh while rubbing on the place that had been slapped by Copter. And later they walk side by side to the class.

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