Chapter 3

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p/s : This chapter is a little longer.....

The sun ray from the nearest glass window that pierced through the space between curtain had wakes Copter up. He didn't even realized he was asleep on that sofa when he opened his eyes, it was already morning. He take a look at the wall clock, and was fast getting up. He was going to their bedroom when he could hear the bathroom water running and that the bed had already neatly fixed.

He went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, just in case Godt would want to eat it. He prepared a simple English breakfast since Godt didn't really like heavy breakfast. Besides, he didn't have much time before Godt ready to go to work.

Copter was just preparing the breakfast on dining table when he saw Godt was coming out from the bedroom, all ready for work. He was about to call him....


When the guy just walked away holding his briefcase and looking at his watch, not even giving a glance towards Copter's direction. Copter could just watch the guy leaving and close the house door behind him, sighing.

Copter was looking at the breakfast he prepared, sadly, which he lost the appetite to taste it. He covered the food, and went into their bedroom, for his morning routine. However, he took longer than he usually is, taking the shower. Thinking, and wondering. He tried to fix everything, but every time he was trying to talk to Godt, he always denied saying they have no problems. And was brushed away any conversation Copter was attempt to have with him.

Copter keeps asking himself. 'Was this the end of their short relationship?' Even he was drenched with water from the shower, Copter could still felt the warm tears that keeps on falling so frequently now. 'Is he was so insignificant in Godt's life? Was he not important anymore?'

Copter couldn't have the answer, nor could he ask that from Godt. All Godt had against him was angry, staring and snapped. No more sweet words, no more loving eyes, and how much Copter had missed all that.

Coming out from the shower, Copter was a little bit calm. Once he was wearing his comfortable at home clothes, he was taking out the phone and was messaging Godt.

"P, will you come back home for lunch?"

Copter was waiting for a while for Godt to read, and replied. But a moment later, he read, but never replied. Copter was taking a deep breath once again, and type a new message.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?"

Again, Copter was waiting for a moment, and just like before, his message had been read, yet no replied.

Copter was sighing once again and was scrolling up his line messages. It's been weeks that Godt never replied to his messages. Godt had read everything he was sending the guy, and it feels like he was talking to himself, instead of his boyfriend.

The phone ringing making Copter was a little shock, since he was deep in his thinking. Saw the name on the screen, he could smile a little. Something could bright his day, even though he couldn't be happy much with his current situation.

"Hey, Cop. Good morning." Hearing the cheerful voice was making his smile gets wider.

"Hello, P. Good morning to you too. You sound happy, I thought you will be wasted after drinking last night." Copter could hear laughter from the guy. It soothes his heart to hear such a laughter. He wished he could laugh like that too. He really need it now.

"You know I'm a hard drinker. I can't get drunk that easily. Sometime I get jealous of Godt who will drunk only drinking for few glasses."

"What about me?"

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