ch 14

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Y/ns pov:

I woke up today and saw marinette all excited . I mean it is our birthday after all . I wish her and she wishes ne back mentioning how weird that is .
"Heheh did alya also call u out to go to the dentist " she asks . "Um no but I have an appointment with Adrian.  He said he wanted to learn some mandarin in the park " I answer her. It was true tho . Adrian did ask me to help him with some mandarin words.
" omg this is getting very obvious hehehhe" marinette sequels out . "What do u mean" I ask. "Well even tho I know that dosnt mean u need to know . Then at least u will be suprised and there effort will be worth it " she explains .
I have no idea what that meant but um ok. I see a message on my phone so I open it . "Happy bday love " Adrian wishes me.  "Thanks adrian" I replie .

After marinette taking to air upstairs and all she heads downstairs.  After 5 mins or smtg I hear a doorbell and I too go down.
I find an old women wearing helmet and black jacket with red pants. "Nunna" marinette hugs her . I'm guessing she's my dad's mom. " u must be y/n I'm ur other granny and u can just call me nunna" she says smiling . "Ok nunna" I replie.
"What are u doing here mom" dad asks her. "Of course I'm here to see my two birthday girls . It's been so long and I've been waiting to meet y/n and get to know her too" she says .
"What do u say girls wanna hang out today so we can make more memory like before  marinette . And new ones for y/n" she says excited.
After a bit of everyone talking finally nunna takes me and marinette out in her bike.  "Um nunna u can't take both of us on the bike" marinette says. "It's OK I'll make sure the police don't see us " she says. "Still it'll be dangerous.  Why not u and y/n hangout . U can with get to know and bond u know " marinette tries to say.
" It's OK with me . U can spend ur time with nunna ur more closer so u must be waiting to meet her" I tell her. "After all I need to go meet Adrian at 5 " I mention.
"Kids chill I'm Here right ntgs gonna happen let's all go now relax. " nunna assures us. "Alright fine we'll just make sure the police won't see us " marinette gives up.

She takes us out on a horse thingy in the amusement park. After that we eat the candy wich she gives to marinette.  We finally stop for an ice cream . " y/n it's already 4 why us alya not calling me " marinette wines . "There she called u now " I tell her just when even I get a message.
Marinette gets up talking to alya all excited while I read the message. "Hey um if ur free can we meet up now love" Adrian asks.
"Y/n is that Adrian " marinette asks. " ya he wants to meet up now it self " I tell her. "Great then let's go together.  Alya asked me to meet up at the park" she says grabbing my hand.  "Where r u both heading to" nunna asks as she comes upto us. "Um actually we have somewhere to go now  alya asked me to accompany her to the dentist " marinette tried her best to explain. "Don't worry about me I get it u guys can go ahead" she's says a bit sad.
"Thx nunna ur the best" marinette yells while running away. "Hurry up y/n" she also adds. "Um can I take the ice cream with me " I ask nunna . "Haha sure u can y/n" she smiles a but and hands over my ice cream.i smile back and I too head off bhiend marinette. 
I took the ice cream because I'm sure she couldn't have carried all three of them and also it would go to waste . But most importantly it was because it's ice cream u know what I mean. Who can resist ice cream seriously tho .

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