Chapter 199 Smashing the Wall

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What children see is naturally different from what adults see.

Adults think a lot, and they consider more about life and reality.

In the eyes of children, Sister Jane is a fairy in the sky. She often gives them food, gives them candy when they help, and gives them two candies when they meet during the New Year and other festivals.

Last year, they went to pay New Year's greetings, and they also grabbed a handful of melon seeds.

What bad thoughts can children have? They are just being harsh in life and are full of curiosity about things they have never eaten or seen.

"Yes, I can!"

"Sister Jane, I can too, she will be my sister in the future."

"Go away, your sister is so dirty, this is Sister Jane's sister."

"That's right, don't talk nonsense, your sister has been bullied by your mother, working at home every day, and she doesn't even give her food."

Hu Zi, who arrived first, was squeezed to the periphery by the latecomers, and he jumped up anxiously.

Jian Dan was a little suffocated by the blockage, so he quickly raised his hand,

"Come on, one piece each,"

It was fair, one piece each. Seeing a group of kids peeling off the candy wrappers and stuffing them into their mouths, Jian Dan's face turned black.

He couldn't help but raise his voice deliberately,

"Hu Zi, come here,"

The kids automatically made way for him, looking at Jian Dan and Hu Zi eagerly. Jian Dan slowly peeled off the candy in his hand, and in the envious and expectant eyes of the kids,

"Pah", he threw it into Hu Zi's mouth, muttering loudly,

"Oh, clean kids are still popular. Those bacteria are all eaten into their stomachs, tut tut tut!"

After saying that, he didn't care about their reactions and took Jian Xin and the four kids into the yard.

The children outside scratched their heads,

"Aren't we clean?"

After a long time, a child finally spoke, but he didn't say anything. He opened his mouth and cried out "Wow",

"I, I don't want to eat bacteria!"

He turned around and ran home. It seemed that he scared himself.

The other children were not much better. Two more cried, but the other children stopped chattering.

"Brother Hu, what are bacteria?"

This Hu had heard a lot about it. He puffed up his little chest and showed off seriously.

"You don't know, right? Bacteria are the dirty things on your hands. If you don't wash your hands, they will turn into bugs in your stomach."

The group of children exploded immediately,

"Ah? I don't want bugs, I don't want bugs, mom!"

"I want to find my mom, woo woo!"

"Grandma, there are bugs in my stomach, wow!"


The big and small behind the door were stunned, and Hu, who had just shown off, was also stunned.

What's going on?

Why did all the friends run away crying?

Scratching his head, he still couldn't figure it out. After thinking for a while, he followed and ran to the village.

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