Chapter 144 It's a bit scary

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But Jiandan also answered him clearly,

"Linbei Province, Anji County, Xiangyang Commune, Liujiatun,"

The other party was silent for a while,

"Xiangyang Commune, Xiangyang Commune, really back..."

In fact, his face was covered with stains and blood, and with the water splashed by Jiandan, it was even more chaotic. He couldn't even tell what he looked like. Jiandan inexplicably felt a little nostalgic, and looked at him in silence for a while, without urging him.

For a long while, there was no sound. Jian Dan was about to go up to see if he had fainted again, but he struggled to speak.

"Comrade, I should be holding on, I can't hold on for much longer, can you help me find the garrison?"

He didn't say a few words in total, but he started looking for someone, and it was the garrison. In this deep forest, Jian Dan was speechless.

"This is the first time we meet, you believe me?"

The man panted, looked at her steadily, and his mouth moved slightly.

"I, I believe you, you, ahem, you, have a positive look."

After saying that, he fainted without waiting for Jian Dan to hesitate for a second.


It should be said that although he had just woken him up, he fainted so suddenly that Jian Dan was also shocked.

"Wake up?"

Several little ones gathered around, probably thinking that Jian Dan had found something fun, so they came over to have fun. Ji Xiang and the others lowered their heads to smell him, probably thinking it was a toy.

Jian Dan was having a headache. She couldn't avoid the fact that this was a deep mountain. If she was asked to find someone, could she split herself?

At this moment, she missed the mobile phones that people always had in their hands in the future. With just one finger, she could shake someone at any time. What should she do?

Her base could accommodate people, but how could she explain it?

Turn around and tell people, I carried you down the mountain? That's not realistic.

With her small body, she couldn't even lie.

She was asked to find the garrison so clearly, and was chased by unknown people. Even a blind guess knew that they were not ordinary people. It was not wise for her to use the base. The eyes of each of them were comparable to reconnaissance aircraft. She was cheating without checking.

It was unlikely to leave people here. This was a deep mountain. Wild beasts might come over soon. This person was injured, and the blood all over his body couldn't hide anything. This was a bright target.

After looking around, I found that there was only the dog left besides me. The little ones were not good enough, so what about Dahei?

After thinking about it, I took out a pen and paper, wrote a note, tied it and hung it around Dahei's neck.

If we talk about the people in the village that Dahei is most familiar with, besides Jian Dan, it should be Li Yan and others. Jian Dan wanted to let it go directly to Liu Sanye or Liu Weimin, but Dahei is just an animal after all. It is smarter and more loyal than other dogs, but that's all. It naturally doesn't understand complex instructions.

Jian Dan couldn't possibly have their things in his hands, so this was naturally not feasible.

After searching the base for a long time, a pile of things came out. I picked them one by one and finally found that it seemed that only the shoes made by the old lady of the Liu family could be used. The new shoes had not been worn yet. Apart from Jian Dan, there should be only the smell of the old lady.

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