Chapter 171: So simple that I even laughed at myself

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This is Jiandan's second autumn. Seeing the educated youth busy, Jiandan actually has an indescribable feeling.

Wang Hongmei and her friends came early, almost as soon as they finished planting the land. Except for the vegetables in the garden, they basically didn't miss anything else. Although Wang Hongmei and her friends have bad appetites, they still keep a close eye on what they eat every day.

In Li Yan's words, they are much more careful than those who went to work.

For the last batch of Chen Hongli and Ling Weidong, it was really a matter of time. They came for the autumn harvest within two days of their arrival. They didn't rush to plant anything. Seeing the old educated youth busy, they followed suit belatedly.

Jiandan's vegetable garden was half harvested, but after planting cabbage, it was almost full again.

If you are in a hurry, you can harvest the cabbage now. Many families harvest it when it is almost frozen. From now on, there is still a month before freezing.

Moreover, the weather after autumn is mostly fine and sunny. Villagers who plan their lives know that cabbage can grow a lot in this weather.

Although Jiandan did not consider this point, she did have to clean up the vegetables in the garden bit by bit.

There are also some crops that have reached the end of their growth. The beans are almost withered, but the yield of this thing is still good. There are still some half-grown ones on the vines, hidden under the leaves, still green. In line with the principle of not wasting, she picked almost all of them.

There are still a few eggplants, pull them out.

There are still a few peppers, pull them out.

The two cucumbers that were specially left, well, the old cucumber seeds are almost gone, pull them out.

All the squash, hanging melons, and horned melons around the garden were picked, and then the vines were thrown on the open space and dried in two days.

Just after the autumn harvest, Jiandan's waist was still very sore. Considering her small body, she dragged her feet and worked for more than a day. The kitchen was small and couldn't hold anything.

The cellar was opened for ventilation, so all these things were piled under the eaves. There were a pile of large and small squash, more than 20 hanging squash, and the squash was a little old, but there were still a lot.

Two big winter melons and several old cucumber seeds were also harvested.

A small pile of sunflower heads was directly placed in a winnowing basket to dry. After drying and frying, it was a good snack. The yield was not high and the heads were not big. Fortunately, they were well-fed and the quantity was not bad. It was estimated that several kilograms of melon seeds could be obtained.

After living there for a year, Jiandan had fully understood the disadvantages of the small space. In the summer, she specially asked Liu Weimin to find someone to help dig a cellar. It was not big, only about two meters square, but it could store a lot of things. It was enough for her to use alone.

Although she could cheat, she had to look good, right? What if someone eats here one day and asks her where the winter vegetables are, she can't just make them appear out of thin air, right?

That would be terrifying.

The location is quite convenient, in the innermost corner of the kitchen, where firewood is usually stored.

Against the wall, there is a thick wooden board with thick iron wires embedded on both sides. There is a wooden ladder underneath.

It is more than two meters deep below, and it is similar to other villagers' homes. Once you open it, it is pitch black. After going down, the temperature is obviously lower than the ground.

They are all experienced villagers, and the walls of the cellar have been reinforced.

I can see that she likes to be clean, and I guess she will definitely not like it if it is placed directly underground. Looking at the shelf at the corner of the kang in her room, I guess she likes it, so I deliberately put several rows of wooden shelves against the wall, which immediately doubled the usable space several times, and it is also clear to find things.

The wooden shelf was wide and made of thick wood. Although it was not good wood, it was at least strong enough and all natural. The workmanship was not too delicate and did not affect its practicality. This was very considerate.

It just suited Jian Dan's mind.

Now looking at it, she was even more satisfied with everything.

After letting the air in for a while, Jian Dan went down to take a look and found a lamp and placed it in a corner of the shelf. She couldn't really do it in the dark.

She was working so hard that she had completely forgotten that she could cheat. She didn't use a rope and simply found a small backpack that she didn't usually use, filled it up with most of it, and carried it down by herself.

When she got to the bottom, she took off the backpack and took out the things inside and placed them one by one on the shelf. The small cellar also had a breath of life. Seeing it fill up little by little, the joy in Jian Dan's heart also overflowed little by little. Maybe this is the simple happiness?

There are so many things on top, but they look so small when placed on these three-dimensional shelves. The harvest of the day is not even enough to fill one side of the shelf. Jiandan himself sighed, "How much stuff does it take?" However, looking at it this way, there is no need to leave room for the cabbage. Jiandan simply climbed up and left only a little of the potatoes and sweet potatoes at home outside, and moved the rest down. Of course, the self-produced watermelons are more suitable to be placed here. It should be said that the temperature below is much more fresh than that above. When the lid is closed, it will be a closed space, and there is no need to worry about the preservation. In winter, the inside is fresh and the outside is frozen. It is a pure natural refrigerator freezer. Thinking of this, Jiandan made himself laugh. The bits and pieces in the garden have just been cleaned up. Jiandan cut the sweet stalks at the base of the wall and put some in the cellar, leaving some on top to entertain the friends. Grandma Liu San said that this thing was really grown a few years ago, but these years even eating has become a problem, and no one has the time to make this thing.

It doesn't satisfy thirst or hunger. To put it bluntly, it's just a toy to coax children.

These few days may be left for everyone to clean up the garden. Just when we have almost cleaned up here, the village notified that we will start going up the mountain tomorrow.

As soon as she got the news, Li Yan ran over happily,

"Xiao Dandan, we are going up the mountain tomorrow?"

"How many times have you been there? Why are you still so excited?"

Jiandan is a little confused. They can have a small kitchen when they go up the mountain, but this collective activity doesn't even have the conditions to have a small kitchen. How can you still be excited?

"I want to find chestnuts,"

"Okay, let's see. If there are too many people, we should avoid them and not squeeze with them."

There are advantages and disadvantages to having more people.

With more people, we can act collectively and be safer.

But the same thing is that there are only so many things in the periphery. If you find a tree, it will be the same if five people share it, and it will be the same if twenty people share it. Although whoever picks it up will get it, but after all the trouble, it is just to find more food, to add some food for the winter, or to add some snacks for the children. No one wants to go back empty-handed.

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