Chapter VI

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The Alliance scout ship and the Gravestone both arrive on Odessen

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The Alliance scout ship and the Gravestone both arrive on Odessen. Kira mustered the strength to walk, moving across the landing platform at the Alliance base. Kaeidan and Trenegin met her halfway as the others hung back. Kira stumbles, but Kaeidan catches her. She throws her arms around him, hugging him while pressing her face into his chest. "I missed you so much."

"We missed you too, love." Kaeidan said, gently swaying with his wife as he held her. "In all that time, Tren knew you were out there. So we never gave up on you. We couldn't."

Kira pulled back and composed herself, fixing her eyes on her now adolescent son and gasping. "You were only just a little baby the last time I saw you." Kira took small steps forward.

"Mom, don't say that!" Trenegin said. "I'm a member of the Alliance now."

"My little rebel." Kira smiled, brushing her son's hair away from his eyes.

Adaya rushed out from the Alliance base, halting in place at the sight of her former teacher. "I don't believe. Master, you're really back..."

Kira held Trenegin close as she turned her focus to Adaya. "Wow. How the years have passed. Look at you, Adaya. You've become a woman, and a great Jedi Knight."

Satele passed by, making her way for the base. Adaya hailed her. "Master Shan, aren't you going to greet Kira? We spent all that time searching, after all."

"It's most fortunate we were able to recover her, but it's best not to let our emotions run away with us on this matter." Said the Grandmaster. "After all, Valkorion and his army are still out there. I'm afraid finding Kira was only the beginning."

"I understand, Master." Said Adaya. "I'll accompany you to the war room. We'll make our preparations."

As the Alliance went about its operations, the Regana-Creed family reunited, catching up on the lost years and explaining what they'd both been going through. Night fell, and while some Alliance members kept working through the night, Xarrak took the edge off at the on base cantina, where Reko sat at the opposite end of the bar counter. With enough liquid courage worked up, he finally decided to talk to her. "So, you're a Jedi, huh?"

The Twi'lek glanced over. "Me? Oh, yes."

"I was a Knight back on Zakuul." Xarrak said. "Then my superior murdered a fellow Knight, and a good friend."

"I'm sorry for your loss." The Twi'lek glanced away.

Kay Jendo cuts in between the two of them, resting an arm on the counter and staring at Reko. "Hey." He tapped the bar. "I'm still waiting on the 250 you owe me."

Reko downed a shot. "Ah. You'll get your money."

"You know, you sure like to take your time. If I don't get it soon, I'll charge you a late fee." The Freelancer said.

"Okay, pal. That's enough." Xarrak interrupted.

"I wasn't talking to you." Kay shot back. "Keep your friends in line, Jedi."

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