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paul entered the large room full of house atreides' highest ranked people

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paul entered the large room full of house atreides' highest ranked people.

"your first strategy meeting. paul atreides who catches hunter seekers with his bare hands!" gurney says making everyone laugh.

paul leans down in gurney's ear, "thanks for the humiliation, old man."

he struts towards his seat and locked eyes with mili across the table. he stopped for a moment before continuing.

just as he was about to sit a soldier yelled "attention!" meaning duke leto had walked in.

leto strut in and sat swiftly. "thufir, operations?" leto asks getting straight to business.

"i secured a copy of the harkonnens account books." thufir jokingly said. "the harkonnens were taking 10 billion solaris out of here every year." thufir finished.

"they shall suck of the abundance of the seas. and the treasure in the sand." gurney poetically said.

"we won't see profits like that for awhile... not with the equivalent they've left us." thufir says. "how bad is it?" leto asks.


the team walks out in the harsh sunlight to see what has been left. "these are spice silos. we're meant to fill every one of them." thufir says.

"every one?" paul asks.

"every 25 standard days, however, harkonnen sabotage gravely slows us down." mili responds and paul looks at her.

"who's meant to arbitrate? isn't their judges of  change to help oversee the transition?" paul says never looking away from her eyes.

"dr liet kynes and me, mili L/N." mili says.

leto looks at her too, "i want to see these fields myself."

"yes sir, however, you will need stillsuits." mili says to the duke.

while everone was focused on the silos, an ornithopter lands on the landing pad and paul looks at it before he sprints.

"Duncan! he yells watching duncan exit the ship.

"ah! my boy!" duncan yells.

"what's up!!!" paul says as the two of them laugh and hug.

"i swear you're getting taller" says duncan.

"oh you smell much worse." paul responds.


duncan, paul, leto, gurney, thufir, and mili all stood behind a stone table.

"for four weeks i lived with the fremen in an underground cave called the sietch." duncan said making mili smile at the words 'sietch'.

"stilgar, their leader, has come with me to meet you sire." duncan continues.

"stilgar?" mili audibly says causing some heads to turn including paul's. just as their stares become uncomfortable leto speaks up, "these sietches, how are they hidden?" he asks.

"they're underground. arrakis is filled with caverns." mili speaks up.

paul looks at her with a studying eye. is she fremen, is she not? what is she? he thinks.

"sire, the leader has a knife they won't surrender." a man says causing mili to say "it's a crysknife, sacred to my people." she says.

"let him pass" leto says.

mili watches as stilgar storms in, not even bearing her his gaze, rather avoiding it. "stop there." gurney says as stilgar doesn't stop. "hey, hey!" gurney yells.

"Mm" stilgar grumbles stopping, finally looking at mili. mili tilts her head down in respect.

"stilgar, welcome. sir, i respect the personal dignity of any man that respects mine." leto says.

stilgar takes a deep breath before spraying his saliva on the table causing gurney to unsheath his weapon.

"hold! thank you, stilgar, for the gift of your body's moisture. we accept it and return it in which the spirit was given." mili says before spitting too. then leto follows with a juicy snort.

"i'm glad you've come. i believe your people and i. i have many things to offer eachother." letos voice blurs as the only thing paul can focus on is you.

he watches as you reach up and take down your hood, finally revealing your never-seen face. when he says his breath was stolen, that was an understatement. you're the girl from his dreams. literally. paul feels his breath picking up. he closes his eyes

the girl from paul's dreams walks on arrakis with a soft stride. her feet kicking up sand and rocks. her hair gently blows in the wind.

she begins to slowly turn her face, revealing her beauty. mili.

paul's eyes dart open. "i must go." he says frantically leaving. stilgar watches as he speeds past him.

"i recognize him like he recognizes you, mili" stilgar says to her in fremen language. mili huffs before following paul.


paul sat in his room, thinking of the girl. her damn eyes. why weren't they blue?? as if she knew her name was in his mind, she entered the room and sat opposite of his bed. "paul, are you okay, my lord?." she says.

"paul, call me paul." he says looking up at her.

"paul." she tests.

he smiles at this. "i heard you're one of the best fremen warriors." he says changing the conversation. he turns to look at the girl.

"only to those who believe it." mili responds looking at the boys eyes. paul stands up.

"would you like to prove yourself?" he smirks holding up his fists.

"paul atreides, are you challenging me?" mili smiles standing up.

they need this distraction. a break from stupid politics and spice production talk.

mili turns on her shield and paul follows suit.

paul swings first, mili leaning back dodging each punch. she strikes her first attack my swiping her leg under his hoping to trip him, but paul has seen this move many times. he grabs her thigh, which is now entangled with his leg, and lifts her over his shoulder.

mili slams her fists against paul's back attempting to loosen his grip on her legs. she then rolls her body weight forward causing paul to fall backwards. she climbs atop of him sitting on his stomach and holding her hand to his neck "i have you, lisan-al-gaib" she says mockingly. "damn you're good." he says "i yield."

she lets him go sliding off his waist. paul just lays there catching his breath. "fuck" paul breathes in pain. "you challenged me, atreides." she kneels down holding a hand out. he takes it without hesitation. paul smiles

"we must go, we are going to the spice fields soon, i'd recommend you return too." she says going back to being serious. he slumps a little at this, he had enjoyed that fun side of mili.

"of course" he says fake smiling while leaving the room.

-1063 words-

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