015 ➥ if this goes south

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Alahna was pleased to find that the feeling of missing Dave was becoming more and more manageable. Yes, she still thought about him every day (their daily phone calls were still very much a thing) but the ache in her chest became less and less of a burden.

Plus, there was a security she really enjoyed in knowing that he was completely hers. She actually hadn't noticed just how much of a toll the lack of exclusivity had taken on her.

But they proudly trusted one another, and rightfully so.

Now, the main thing that made Alahna feel a little down was that Bonnie wasn't there.

Just a couple days after coming back, Bonnie got a call from the Nirvana boys because their photographer during the remainder of their British dates had a family emergency of some sort and wasn't gonna be able to make it to their last date before their appearance on the Jonathan Ross show.

They asked her, practically begged her to go take their pictures.

Bonnie had to put up a bit of a fight at work to be allowed to leave for a couple days. But thankfully, they saw that it was a great opportunity for her, and that she was going to be close to a lot of the music she was in contact with on a daily basis at the store so the answer wound up being yes. She had been off just a day and a half later.

Still though, Alahna couldn't help but be happy for her best friend. Photography is where her soul truly lied, whether she admitted it to herself or not.

And they were definitely even now; while Alahna was stuck at work, Bonnie was having her fun at the other end of the planet with Nirvana.

It was a slow day. Anna and Joy had managed to get rid of those damn kids who kept making a mess every time they came in so things had been rather calm and easy for the past few days.

Alahna liked that atmosphere a lot. It meant she could write while working at the counter.

But of course, her bosses had eagle-like eyesight for anything that went on in their shop.

Before Alahna could close her notebook, Joy was already looking over her shoulder at what she was working on. "Oh, that's lovely." She murmured.

Alahna gasped and closed the notebook rather harshly before pressing her hand to her chest with a breathy chuckle. "Jesus Christ Joy, don't do that... sorry, was I too distracted?" She asked, shamefully. The light blush on her cheeks spread all the way to her ears and neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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AMERICAN JESUS. dave grohlWhere stories live. Discover now