009 ➥ little by little

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Dave was the first one to wake up.

He immediately smiled upon seeing the limp hand resting on top of his bare chest and the light brown waves caressing his shoulder. He slipped his own hand under Alahna's and intertwined their fingers softly so as to not wake her up just yet.

As he brushed some hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear with immense care, Dave still couldn't believe how he'd managed to score her of all people. Sweeter than anyone he'd ever come across, talented in a way that was almost painful due to how little faith she had in herself and so incredibly loving it made him wonder if he deserved her affections at all.

It killed him to know that he had to leave her in less than two days time.

From the very moment he'd started to feel himself falling for the girl currently nuzzled next to him, he felt fear. He knew damn well his life wasn't what it used to be. He wasn't that antsy yet passionate boy from his Virginia days anymore; as far as the world (or anyone who bothered to look past his fucking hair) was concerned, he was Dave Grohl. The drummer of Nirvana. Amazing and horrifying in equal measure.

Dave didn't want to drag Alahna into something she might as well not be ready for.

The idea of being away for months at a time and possibly leaving her miserable time and time again until eventually she couldn't take it anymore haunted him relentlessly. He now knew he'd have to bring it up at some point soon. Things needed to be clear before he left. That was the fair and adult way of doing things.

Before he could spiral any further, Dave felt Alahna squeeze his hand as she stirred awake. Her eyes fluttered open with a tiny, sleepy frown that made Dave want to burst into tears just to drain some of the adoration that was threatening to end him.

"Hey, baby." He murmured hoarsely. To be fair, those were his first words of the day.

Alahna broke into a grin, echoes of the night before flooding in. "Hi." She replied.

"Are you feeling okay?" Dave asked, carefully combing her tangled hair with his fingers.

"Did I have fun last night, you mean." Alahna smirked knowingly.

Dave rolled his eyes. "Damn. I keep forgetting you know me." He joked. 

Alahna snickered at his attitude before pressing a long kiss right on his jawline. "I had a lovely night, Dave. Everything you did was perfect." She said. "But as I recall, you're the one who had a naughty dream about me not too long ago."

Dave snorted at the memory. "I thought I told you you didn't have to live up to any of that."

"Yeah well, something tells me you're about to boost my ego anyway." Alahna replied.

AMERICAN JESUS. dave grohlWhere stories live. Discover now