Kiss goodbye

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It was a peaceful night in smiling valley. Crickets chirped and calm breezes blew throughout the valley as pale moonlight shone upon the various critter's abodes.

In the dead center of the valley was the very tall cat tree house, belonging to the one and only soft purple kitty, Catnap.

Inside the house, the kitty in question was lying in his bed.


Why? A few reasons.

The main reason was that he was planning on platonically 'breaking up' with his best friend Dogday.
That is, ending their friendship and never talking to him again.

But why would he do that? They had such a good thing going! He asked himself.

It was kinda complicated.

Since they had first met, catnap and Dogday admired each other. They had become the best of friends overtime, and whenever they were together, it was always fun for the both of them.

But deep in his heart, catnap longed for more.

Dogday was so optimistic, so friendly, so sweet to everyone around him, especially catnap. Plus he was adorable.
He made Catnap feel like he was always bathing in sunlight.

He loved Dogday with all his heart. He wanted to hold hands with him as they walked through the park. He wanted to hold him gently as he fell asleep in his arms. He wanted to give him a million kisses all over his face until his own lips fell off.

And he wanted to make him feel loved for eternity, just as the moon wanted to orbit around the sun.

Of course he never acted upon these feelings (beyond playfully flirty actions), because it was pretty obvious Day wasn't into that kind of romantic relationship.
Not with him at least.

Whenever Nap did something even vaguely flirty towards him, usually by accident, he'd always deflect it and say something like "what are friends for?" Or "Aw nap you're such a good friend."

And yet if someone else(usually crafty or bobby) did it, he'd always return the action with just as much, if not more, flirtiness.

But that's the way it was, Catnap concluded.
They weren't meant to be lovers. Catnap was just lucky to have Dogday as his best friend.

Although, sometimes on starry nights, he'd look up into the sky and wish for his own chance, just one shot to be with him.

But, wish in one hand, spit in the other.
All his wishes were crushed today...

Because a certain white unicorn had already caught the Dogfish.

Yes, earlier today when they and all the others were hanging out, the beautiful and artistic Craftycorn had confessed her feelings to Dogday, who had accepted her with open arms and lips, causing the others to clap and 'aww' for them.

But Catnap had never felt so broken.

Even though he never had a chance with him, it felt like crafty had just beaten him in a contest to win the sunlight.

And so that night, he contemplated what to do.
He didn't wanna hurt crafty, that'd just be mean, plus it'd get Day mad at him. And obviously it was too late to admit his feelings to Day.

And so he figured the best thing to do was to just let her have him.
It was what fate had decided.

And to do that, he and dog day couldn't be friends anymore... if he tried, he'd probably end up being possessive, and keep Day all to himself.

So he decided to end things between them.
After mulling over how to do that, he decided to make a very rash decision...

And offer his own lips in retaliation.

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