Good enough

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It was a pretty April night in smiling valley, and the Sunny leader of the smiling critters was pacing around under his favorite tree in the park, waiting for his best friend to arrive.

He had something very important to tell him.

He's discussed it with Bobby, the local love expert, and he feels confident that tonight he's going to get the guy of his dreams.

He hears someone walk up behind him, smiling and turning around. "Hi Catnap!"

Catnap waves hello and smiles.

Day's tail wags. "What's new with you?"

Catnap shrugs. 'Nothing much.'

Day smiles. "Cool."

Nap then steps forward. 'So, what did you want to tell me?'

Day gets nervous. "U-uhm, well..." he starts. "It's about... feelings..."

Catnap tilts his head. 'Feelings?'

Day nods. "Yeah."

He takes a deep breath.

"Catnap... ever since I met you, I've felt a certain way about you." he starts. "A warm, fuzzy feeling deep in my gut, that I only feel when I'm around you..."

He steps closer. "As we became friends, this feeling has only grown deeper, and... I've thought about it a lot... and I know now that what I feel for you is..."

He looks at him, blushing.

"More than just friendship."

Catnap looks nervous.

"Catnap..." Dogday says, taking his hands and looking him in the eye, before confidently saying,


Catnap was speechless.

Day stands in silence, anticipating his response.

"D-dogday..." he starts to say.

But then... his eyes and tail droop.

"I... I don't feel the same."

He whispers sadly.

Day's heart shatters.


Nap let go of his hands so he could sign.

'I-I'm sorry but, I don't like you in that way, Day.' He signs. 'I just like you as a best friend.'

Day tears up, looking down. "O-oh..."

Catnap looks guilty. 'I'm really sorry.'

Dogday tries to force a smile.

"O-oh no it's fine!" He says, a bit strained. "I-I just wanted to let you know... about my... feelings."

Catnap shakily smiles a bit. 'Okay good...' he signs. 'Um, I gotta get back home,' he signs, turning to leave.

"O-okay!" Day says. "Bye naps!"

Catnap quickly waves goodbye, then dashes away.

When he is gone, Day bursts into tears, taking off in the other direction.

His whole world fell like it was coming apart.

As he runs back to his home, he runs by his bear friend's house, who noticed him crying out the window.

"Oh, that's not a good sign..." she says.

When Dogday gets back home, he collapses onto his couch, crying face-first into the cushions.

DayNap/SleepyDay/DayDream storiesWhere stories live. Discover now